<p>So I somehow overlooked thecfact that my card did not have a chip on it. I saw the option on the paper and it did not have a check box so have no idea why I didn't get one. Do I have to pay for a new card? And if I do I have to take it to the bank and set up my acpunt again?</p>
<p>The Smart Chip is no longer being used at FSU. It’s been replaced by FSU Cash which is stored on the barcode of your FSU Card. If you’re up for summer, you can add money to your FSU Cash at the FSU Card center. Unfortunately, they don’t yet have cash to card machines for this in the residence halls.</p>
<p>This is good though, because if you lose your card, I don’t believe you would lose this money. Further, the smart chip was pretty much ancient technology. If you are a returner with money on your chip, I was in the FSU Card center today, and they told me I could get a refund for the money on my chip at the end of summer.</p>
<p>I’m here for the summer. In my dorm right now actually and I have a chip on my card. I got my card back in May…</p>
<p>Actually Ragans and Wildwood have the machines.</p>
<p>There is a transitioning. The chip is indeed still in use. There will be a phase in and phase out period.</p>
<p>Reynolds also has the machines</p>
<p>So going back to not checking the box. I had my orientation today, and I’ve completely missed the check box for “if you would like to open an fsucard bank account or already have an existing fsucard bank account.”</p>
<p>I also completely forgotten to head over to Suntrust and set up a bank account.</p>
<p>Going back to the OP original question again, “Do I have to pay for a new card??” or I am fine, and I just need to go to the campus Suntrust to set it up?</p>
<p>If I did check yes, would I’ve had to set up a ATM pin in the card center or Suntrust?</p>
<p>Unfortunately I realized I’ve forgotten to do all these when I was driving back to Orlando today, I still have my FSUcard agreement form.</p>
<p>You do not need a new card. Just go to Suntrust on campus and open an account and they will link it to your card. You can wait and do it when you arrive on campus. Once they activate it, it works immediately.</p>
<p>Thanks again Sunny!</p>