Full ride help.

<p>I'm a minority(Mexican), first generation student</p>

<p>3.6 GPA
26 ACT</p>

<p>Lots of ECs</p>

<p>And a family income of 19k annually. Am i a good candidate for a full ride to any university? I live in Illinois</p>

<p>Have you checked into Questbridge (see the subforum at the top of the FA & Scholarship forum)?</p>

<p>Also take a look at the thread about a First Gen website on this page.</p>

<p>Jesus-with your low income you should target colleges that meet 100% of your financial need (it varies by colleges). Those schools are more likely to give you a full financial aid ride. Also if you google full-tuition scholarship you can find additional colleges that give full-merit rides. Try to raise your grades and test scores a bit and it will increase your chances since most merit money is based on grades and test scores. Check out the <a href=“http://www.newfurturo.com%5B/url%5D”>www.newfurturo.com</a> website. Be sure to register on that website and you can download a pretty good guide for applying to college that can explain a lot of these issues.
Good luck.</p>

<p>Can you give me examples of universities that will offer full rides?</p>

<p>Many of the top schools (like the ivies) will give full rides to low income students, but your stats are likely too low for them.</p>

<p>You might try some of the Catholic univs…they tend to want to help low income minorities get the aid that they need. </p>

<p>Also, try your instate publics. With a combo of state and fed aid, you might get enough aid.</p>

<p>Here’s a good starting point (not always 100% full need even if accepted, so this list is just a starting point --scroll to list). Also keep in mind that the majority of these schools will be over your stat range and too reachy. I would recommend that you look at St. Olaf and College of the Holy Cross. </p>

<p>[Universities</a> That Claim to Meet Full Financial Need - US News and World Report](<a href=“http://www.usnews.com/education/best-colleges/paying-for-college/articles/2013/02/11/universities-that-claim-to-meet-full-financial-need]Universities”>http://www.usnews.com/education/best-colleges/paying-for-college/articles/2013/02/11/universities-that-claim-to-meet-full-financial-need)</p>

<p>here’s the list of IL state schools. Talk to your school counselor to find out what types of programs some of them may offer. For instance, we live in VA and James Madison offers a full ride called the Centenniel scholarship. Find out if an IL public college offers something like this.
<a href=“List of colleges and universities in Illinois - Wikipedia”>List of colleges and universities in Illinois - Wikipedia;