<p>I've been reading these boards for a while, and appreciate the valuable advice you guys give.
I'm basically hoping to be a neurosurgeon, but plan to study some form of engineering (perhaps electrical or biomedical) as a undergraduate because I love the way engineers are able to look at and solve problems, it seems like a very valuable skill. I'm really in love with the sciences such as biology, chemistry and physics.</p>
<p>But here's the dilemma:
I have been talking to Air Force ROTC programs at Rice and USC (Something both NU and VT have as well), and they offer to cover full tuition as well as books, a stipend and some board. This would basically be full cost at all these schools. They also said they would pay for medical school, in exchange for 1 class a semester, as well as weekend training and 4 years of service after all my school. This is a two-fold issue because I don't know if the cost is worth the difference, or if this is a valuable opportunity otherwise. I have always wanted to be a pilot, and I believe that the training the good anyway, but I don't seriously consider the Air Force as a career.</p>
<p>My choices:</p>
<p>Rice University- Small school in Houston ~4,000 undergrads. I went to visit and the campus is beautiful. I sat in on an electrical engineering class and it seemed like their projects were really cool. Students told me the EE and BME engineering programs are good. The downsides are the size (students don't have much choice in teachers), location (traveled through town and Houston seemed a bit unfriendly) and cost. They offered me about $10,000, and expect about $30,000.</p>
<p>Northwestern University- Large school in Evanston near Chicago. I'm visiting later this week, but I hear they have a strong engineering program. I have some family in nearby Chicago, but not a deciding factor. I was admitted to the Integrated Science Program (ISP), as well as the McCormick School of Engineering and was offered to be part of a Dean's advisory committee. They offered me about 15,000, and expect about $30,000.</p>
<p>Virginia Tech- Large University in Blacksburg, Virginia. The campus is much more rural, and far from city life. It's a much more commuter centered campus. I was offered the Alumni Presidential with $12,000/year as part of their University Honors program, which seems really amazing and has students who turned down Berkley, Rice, Harvard, and a full ride at William and Mary (Irrelevant for me, but gives you an idea of students). The community is very close-nit and includes about 200 student. After a first year scholarship of $5,000 and other outside sources, I still have to pay about $18,000 out-of-state.</p>
<p>USC- Downtown LA. I haven't visited USC, but after talking to family friends and alumni, I have moved it down because of quality of the area it is in (Here for possible reconsideration). I have been offered the National Merit Presidential Scholarship, the Engineering Honors Program, and I hear good things about the Viterbi School of Engineering. After the $20,000 in scholarships, I still have to pay about $30,000</p>
<p>My parents are unsure about the "value" of these different schools and seem to be relying on college rankings. Cost is an issue, and I would basically have to take out loans for any unmet costs. I have about $38,000 in college savings that could be put to use at any of these schools.</p>