Full ride.

<p>I recently was contacted by Hampton University and Howard University. They told me that since I am likely to be National Achievement semifinalist, I am getting full rides to those schools.</p>

<p>My parents are elitist Africans who want me to go to the best schools so they can brag about it. But I feel that this offer is amazing, before this HBCUs were not even on my college radar. How much do you think I should consider their offers.</p>

<p>My ED school is Duke.</p>

<p>i think that if you can get full rides to places where you won't be a minority(HBCU schools) than I'm pretty darn sure you can full rides to school where you would be a minority. The fact that you can be a semifinalist and be african american is only in your favor. i don't understand why you would ever want to ed at duke. maybe EA? but don't do ED. I'm 100 percent sure other top schools in the nation will lure you with money, that are way above the level of hampton and howard.</p>

<p>I recommend you to have those two schools as safety schools.</p>

<p>And after getting into your dream school, Duke, compare what each school has to offer.</p>

<p>And don't do ED.</p>

<p>You don't want to bind yourself to a school.</p>

<p>I agree with the above poster, unless Duke is your ultimate dream school. You will likely receive many good offers of aid, but if you apply to Duke ED you will not be able to compare offers.</p>

<p>don't apply to duke ED under any circumstances-period.</p>

<p>if you apply to duke ED, that gives Duke the upperhand, because it lets them know you're willing to attend their school at all costs if you get accepted. That means that you give them the reason/option to give you merit aid or not.</p>

<p>If your parents are willing to pay, go to the best college you can.</p>