<p>I just got my financial award from a small college, and it is a full ride. This sounds too good to be true!!!! I can't believe it.. Did the financial officers make a mistake or something? Everything has my name and address on it... it seems official...but I honestly feel like I don't deserve it. Is the FA award pretty much final? So if I sign it and send it to them, it is final?</p>
<p>Celebrate - that is great!</p>
<p>But first do make sure that you understand what they’re offering. Are there loans in there, work-study? How much? And do check on what is likely for coming years, including if there is a minimum gpa you must maintain.</p>
<p>Also, there shouldn’t be any hurry to sign it. So take your time. You must accept it, along with admission, prior to the college’s acceptance day (which is most likely the national day – May 1), but they’re not going to rescind your FA offer between now and the posted deadline. Look carefully at the FA paperwork to find out the deadline.</p>
<p>Call the campus if you have questions. And congratulations!!!</p>
<p>I would like to hug you! Congratulations on your wonderful accomplishment. You should be very proud.</p>
<p>Yeah-- make sure they didn’t tuck a 15K parent’s PLUS loan in there, and call it part of the financial aid package.</p>
<p>Take the money and run.</p>