Fully vaccinated - How or Will Your COVID Routine Change?

Agreed. Not suggesting it, just reporting what I see happening here. We’re both vaccinated. Most of our friends are or will be. Just quite strange that people would risk their health based upon political affiliation. I live in a very purple area with strong pockets of red and blue hardliners.


Surveys and polls about COVID-19 vaccine have been indicating that, among the demographic characteristics noted or surveyed, the strongest correlation to vaccine enthusiasm or reluctance is party affiliation.

Based on that, it is not hard to predict where there are still vaccine shortages and where vaccines are likely to be readily available.


Could be why it was quite easy to get my first shot the day I was eligible with very little wait at a FEMA site.

deleted for privacy reasons

My kids were close, drifted apart done and then bonded again when they were :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:sheltering with us for a year during these covid times. (They United against their crazy parents. :innocent:

Hope your kids can bridge their gap! It seems sad when we have so few offspring and they end up drifting apart.

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My friends have had their first ‘post vaccination’ fight. One friend was a recluse during the quarantine, never left her home, had groceries delivered, etc. She’d occasionally meet for coffee outside or to go for a walk. The other was careful but did do grocery shopping, had her children and grandchildren over to her house, met with a few people. We met a few times for indoor dining. These two had an blow up (political) in Jan and we all worked to get past it.

We’ve now all been vaccinated and were going to meet for lunch this Sunday. Weather has been great but Sunday it’s supposed to be cooler. Friend #1 wants to eat on a patio. Friend #2 wants to be warm and says “Well, we’ve all been vaccinated, what’s the issue?”

I’m fine with either option. Now we’re not going at all.

I suspect there will be more disagreements as people have different comfort levels. H and I are fully vaccinated and have always done our in person marketing, which we continue. We are ok with outdoor dining with fully vaccinated folks. We are still uneasy about restaurants, since many ventilation systems are ancient and not well-maintained.

We are at only 21% fully vaccinated in our state and 34% with at least 1 vaccination.

H and I are pretty vulnerable since our lungs and airways are already twitchy at baseline. We are ok with waiting for a higher % of our state to be vaccinated.

Just got notice from my mother’s facility that another facility has 6 new cases of the Brazil variant of COVID. All residents were fully vaccinated. At least one of them is ill, prompting testing of the other residents, which then found 5 more cases.

Eight residents in my mother’s facility went out to family homes or restaurants for Easter and one of them now tests positive, despite full vaccination. That resident has been at meals and activities with others. They are doing further testing to see if it is a variant.

Don’t mean to put a damper on things but my mother’s facility has to constantly beg for vigilance and it ain’t over until it’s over.

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I hope you are able to be vaccinated…soon.

Wed. 8 am now! Nothing will stop me.


I discovered that I needed to get the rubella vaccine again when my D was born. It was routine testing. I had the vaccine as a child but I had to get again.

Illinois announced that of the more than 2.5 million fully vaccinated, COVID requiring hospitalization was found in less than .001 percent. This is about equivalent to the flu hospitalization rate from those vaccinated from the flu. Almost all cases were in the elderly who were also suffering from other co-morbidites. If these numbers hold I’m very comfortable resuming my life just the way I do during a flu season.


I just made reservations to go out ballroom dancing with my H for 3 weeks after our J+J vaccine. :sunglasses: :sunglasses: :sunglasses: :sunglasses: :sunglasses:


Our dance studio is just now starting dance parties. Used to be 100 people…will now be 30. We aren’t sure when we will start those.

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I think there are only 4 couples scheduled at this dance studio-ha! It will be our first time going.

This is us!:crazy_face: fully vaxxed!


CDC released interim guidance for folks who are fully vaccinated.


I’m still very reluctant to dine indoors at restaurants, even though I’m fully vaccinated—too many people sharing the air. Outdoors just feels so much safer and more open.


We’re off to Yellowstone and Mt. Rushmore and Wall Drug next month.


Today I returned to the public gym for the first time. I got my vaccination in February. Gym had disinfectants for people to grub to do their own cleaning of equipment and they checked temperature at the entrance. Masks required of course but people take them off when drinking and not everyone covered their noses. I checked if there were people using the pool and there were few. I feel uncomfortable going for a swim with unmasked people considering that same water gets into the nose and mouth of multiple people even though it has chlorine.