Fully vaccinated - How or Will Your COVID Routine Change?

They have “farm jeans” last time we were in one! They are like a “rural walmart/target”. My husband loves to stop when we roadtrip to buy pellets for his grill. They sell baby chickens so I love to see them. I have found some great stuff every time. There are none near us, so its always when we roadtrip to FL or up to DC. We have to detour.

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We’re in southern PA, so it seems they are expanding to the north.

Yes, the other day I dashed into a fast food restaurant to order because the drive thru line was so long, and it was weird to see maskless people sitting at tables eating, but what really surprised me was that the self service beverage station was open! Was not expecting that.

I was about 1 week post second Pfizer shot, so not fully protected, but I felt OK about it.

I’m wearing my younger son’s old 501’s. I still don’t understand how jeans that fit a 6’-1" guy can fit a 5’-6" woman just fine (well less fine since I lost 15 pounds in the last year), but they do!


Now that I’m fully vaccinated, our area is heading into another wave of the virus (probably the variants). Guess I’ll be staying home a few more months. :weary: It’s like I’m all dressed up, but have nowhere to go.


@creekland try Duluth Trading Company.


I’m not fully vaccinated, but will have my second Pfizer vaccine on 4/23. Today I had to report in person for jury duty and I was selected for a jury. I was not too thrilled to have to go in person, but the courthouse did a very good job with partitions and keeping everyone distanced. We are in a very large courtroom with very few people. Wish me luck that the trial (civil) will only supposed to last two days. Mask compliance is 100%.


Good luck! Hope they settle before dragging it out. I deferred my March jury duty until August. I would not have been comfortable sitting in a courtroom with a bunch of mostly unvaccinated strangers!


I’m meeting a fully vaccinated friend (as am I) tomorrow for coffee at Panera. First time in more than a year. I’m pretty excited.


We are having a third outdoor meal at a restaurant since being fully vaccinated, tomorrow. I’m happy!


We are meeting friends (all four of us fully vaccinated) for dinner outside with heaters on Saturday night. This will be the first social engagement with persons other than our children since last summer. We have been to park birthday parties for our GS and one of our kids, but that didn’t include removing masks. I know it’s irrational but I will admit to being nervous.


Jut like getting used to masks and social distancing took time, going back will take time. It’s normal (IMO) to be nervous. Every time should feel a bit more normal.

After everyone in my office was fully vaccinated, I still wore my mask for most of the day. It felt weird taking it off after wearing it from 8-5 for months. I’d say after 1-2 weeks, I was down to only wearing it outside my office. However, last week I actually walked into work without a mask on and didn’t notice until I was halfway down the hall! I was so embarrassed and fortunately had one in my purse for the rest of the way. It becomes normal quickly, but those first few times, it is weird.


This has been such a tragic year for so many. I’m very grateful for vaccines and the hope this pandemic will slow down.

We and our friends are now all getting to two weeks beyond the second shot. I am not nervous or scared about getting together with other folks. I just don’t really want to, other than my adult children and their children… I’m over the moon one kid is coming next week to stay a bit.

The pandemic has really be a re-set for me. Maybe I’m not such an extrovert as I thought, or maybe it’s just a function of aging, but I’m not interested in going back to hosting multiple dinner parties a month, or out to lunch with friends every week. Staying home with husband has been pleasant. I don’t want it to end.

I love my friends, but don’t feel like entertaining them, and they expect me to. Some have actually asked for invitations, which would never have bothered me in the past, (my rural restored antique property has pretty much been an on request tour and homemade lunch stop for anyone with out of town company) but I just don’t feel like it at present. I’m just not the hostess with the mostest anymore.

Originally I thought: Whoever invites me I’ll go, and then reciprocate because of course that’s what one does. But only one person has invited us. One couple left me a voicemail asking when we would be ready for company and they wanted to bring their new neighbors with them.

One out of state sibling and spouse want to visit with their adult kids and the kids’ partners and spouse’s mom. And I love all these people. So very much. But it just doesn’t sound fun.

I’m already exhausted thinking about the summer.

Am I the only one?? It makes me feel so mean spirited.

Getting a haircut next week. :slight_smile:


UC Davis just announced that graduates can bring two vaccinated guests to commencement. :tada: :man_student: :woman_student: :tada:


Today concluded my third week of working back on campus on a flexible schedule. We had a division meeting in the biggest lecture hall in my building. Everyone was fully mask compliant except one of our advising center staff members who wore her mask below her nose and let it slide below her mouth while talking. Maybe she made me more furious than usual because she is someone who kicked her 15 year old daughter out of her house for being gay and I’m predisposed to dislike her. Afterwards, since it was our last meeting of the year and we had some retirements to celebrate, we had an outdoor boxed lunch. It was my first time to be unmasked eating outdoors, but I felt fine about it since I knew everyone at my table was fully vaccinated. Just a small step back towards normal, but I’m a small step kind of person.


I just read a New Yorker essay which briefly referenced Maria Kondoing friends and family over the last year. If they don’t bring you joy, let them go.


alh, you are not mean spirited in the least. The people who asked when they could visit and bring their new neighbors were way out of line. You’ve clearly been more than gracious about sharing your home and hospitality in the past. You have no obligation to continue to do so.

I’ve often read that “No” is a complete sentence, and especially appropriate to use when someone tries to impose. For some of us, it feels rude or uncaring to say. I find it easier to tell someone, “This isn’t a good time for us, sorry.”

At this point, I have no desire to see anyone other than our kids (and even really only one of them, sadly) and one couple with whom H and I are good friends. It’s just fine to decide to take however long you want to before resuming any level of socializing.

I also love Marilyn’s comment about letting go those who don’t bring you joy.


Agree—no is a complete sentence. Many of us are being more cautious and limiting activities to loved ones and NOT including some we used to have events with. No one can make you the hostess without your consent.

Many are taking their time easing into whom they see and where. H just turned down a very nice indoor restaurant dinner (that I had previously declined). He decided he also wasn’t comfortable.


ALH, you have simply decided that you are not a free restaurant. Those people have chutzpah(nerves). Bye bye


Are you all asking people before you accept invitations “Are you vaccinated?” and does it matter if they aren’t? Will you not let your children or grandchildren into your homes or have a meal outside with them if they aren’t vaccinated?