Fully vaccinated - How or Will Your COVID Routine Change?


I love my friends and they spark joy… really. And they have all been very good to me. We have been having lovely long phone conversations regularly the last year.

It just wears me out to think of giving up the hermit lifestyle. Probably I just need to be honest and find a way to politely say I’m not going back to the pre-pandemic social whirl. With any luck, I won’t be the only one feeling this way.


We’re not asking because we know the answer for family and the one couple who are friends mentioned previously. If I don’t know someone well enough to already know their vaccination status then it’s unlikely I’d want to entertain them. I played the role of corporate exec’s hostess for years and got burned out.

I don’t know when I’ll want to entertain at home again. It probably won’t be this year unless things improve significantly and then it would only be a meal on the patio.


Prior to getting vaccinated, my mom was driving to NYC to pick me up when I was visiting her. It was a lot for her, but we didn’t want me to take public transportation. Now I am vaccinated, I have been taking a train to see her, which is a lot easier for her.
I have also been taking public transportation getting around the city.


Meals outside are OK with me with those who aren’t vaccinated. Usually I don’t need to ask…people tell me their vaccine status.

Our kids are both vaccinated so that’s not an issue for me.

Re: unvaccinated folks…I would worry that I could be transmitting the virus to them even though I’m fully vaccinated.

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I hear that public transport in NYC is not crowded. True?

I’m definitely not in the mood to “get back out there” with anyone other than family or very close friends, and it has nothing to do with fear of getting Covid.


Boston has cut back on subway service, so as a result, the few cars that run are crowded.


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My D reports that NYC subways are hit or miss. Some are quite empty (by pre-Covid standards) and some are again shoulder to shoulder. She just targets more empty cars or waits for the next train if she’s uncomfortable. Since her second shot is not until next week, the few times she’s taken the subway she double masks with a KN95, carries sanitizer, and tries to avoid touching anyone or anything!

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Yes, my daughter has experienced worse crowding on the Boston T than pre-pandemic. They have significantly cut down on the trains and you have to wait over 15 minutes when before you waited maybe 5-10 minutes. They have said they were going to restore the service to pre-pandemic levels very soon.

Perhaps there is a way to let D & SIL know, in time to change their minds, that only fully vaccinated guests will be welcome this summer? That would give them time to get both shots and wait the additional two weeks; or if they choose not to get vaccines, they cannot say you did not tell them in time.


We had our cleaning lady out for the first time in a year. We had continued to pay her monthly for most of the year. We were happy to help her. Great to have her back.


I have said this before in other threads and maybe here: the pandemic was a collective trauma. Just over a year ago in most places, it hit hard, and it is going to take some time to return to a normal that is not like the old normal but probably not like now, either.

Even if you don’t feel like entertaining right now, AT ALL, it doesn’t mean that you will feel that way forever. Maybe take stock and entertain less, but it is very possible that a little hosting will bring pleasure enough to invite a little more, until you hit your level of comfort.

I think we are all still figuring out what “normal” means, post-pandemic.


We live near a very nice lake where it is really nice to have a picnic lunch and hang out. I have friends who come every summer for at least one afternoon and it’s just fun…except 2020 when no one came at all.

I’m hoping to be able to see friends there this summer again. I missed those outings last year.


Just attended a nice patio birthday party. It was outdoors with shade and folks wore masks sone and then took them off to eat. It was ok. Folks were mostly fully vaccinated and everyone seemed to be having a nice time. There was a nice constant breeze blowing.


@HImom - our Governor (WA) has a new slogan - “Take it outside”! Seems like you had safe and fun celebration.


It was really nice—the tykes were having a great time and the rain stopped and it was a nice, breezy event. Everyone seemed quite relaxed and happy. We were even able to carry a 6 week old baby someone brought to the party!

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Well, we did it and had a great time! Dinner last night with our fully vaccinated friends on the patio of their golf club. I was a little anxious when we got into their car (maskless but I opened the window) but by the time we took our masks off at the table I had relaxed and it almost felt like old times, except for the paper menus, masked servers, and individually wrapped silverware packets!

My 1/2 vaxxed D had her fully vaxxed friend over to have a drink on the roof of her building and called me downright giddy at having had that kind of maskless human interaction. She’s been living and working in her one bedroom apartment for over a year, seeing only us and her brothers. She knows she was lucky to have our “pod” but said seeing her friend in a more “usual” way felt like a weight had been lifted. Once she gets her second shot on Thursday and waits the requisite two weeks, she will be ready to invite her vaccinated friends inside!


D1 was back in person with her kindergarteners for the first time in 13 months last Tuesday. She only had 7 kids and is also teaching over zoom, but she called me so happy after getting to be with her students.


My daughter was the only one in her age group who was fully vaccinated (by her employer). One of her friends just go his second shot and so now they will be able hang out together. Everybody in MA is eligible this week so the rest of her friends should be getting their shots soon.


Fully vaccinated crew is going out to celebrate friend’s 60th birthday. 6 couples. Love these people dearly. Usually have 4 or 5 of these with this group per yr (the whole group) and they are some of the funniest nights I can recall. Essentially my golf buddies and their wives. Very rare that everyone gets along great. Will be a great dinner at a snazzy Italian restaurant. Great food, Great wine. Great company. And A LOT of laughs. Miss these get togethers.

Funny, the rest of it, I’m pretty content being pretty low key.