Fully vaccinated - How or Will Your COVID Routine Change?

My point went along with the rest of my post. Since we have antibodies (and didn’t the previous time we donated blood), I feel confident the vax we received was viable allowing us to take the odds that go along with it.

Beyond that I still watch studies to see what seems to be working and not. I also look for plausible explanations for anything that doesn’t appear to work - or does as with my long hauler son (and others) improving post vax. Beyond real life effects, the science of it all intrigues me.

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In this case they weren’t people who normally were together. My friend is in Ohio, I think her daughter lives in Minneapolis, and the baby shower was in Silver Spring, MD. Don’t know where all the others were from (close or far). I assume they had symptoms as they were tested. Don’t know why they were tested.

When people don’t know they have COVID, aren’t they more likely to end up spreading it to other people?

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There was a middle aged lady at the grocery store today using self checkout and hacking up a storm to the point where she had to stop. Maybe she “inhaled” something wrong or had serious issues from smoking or whatever, but any other year I’d assume an illness and wonder why she felt the need to spread her bad cold or flu. This year I also would put an illness high on my list and I can’t help but wonder why she felt the need to go to the store if so. At least she was using self-checkout. No mask in sight.

Regardless, I kept my distance. She was the only one who appeared sick at the store.

Yes, presymptomatic or asymptomatic contagiousness (which is typically longer duration for COVID-19 than with influenza) is what made COVID-19 such a problem with spreading. People who feel fine tend to want to go about their normal business, in contrast to people who feel sick, who are more likely not to want to do anything (and other people are more likely to avoid an obviously sick person).

Note that it also meant that fever checks and the like were mostly theater (the presymptomatic or asymptomatic contagious people would not have a fever or any other detectable symptoms). The predominant type of tests with a 2-3 day delay did not help much unless the person had been quarantining for several days before the test, and after the test until the event that they were being tested to be “safe” for.

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Several counties in the San Francisco bay area now “recommend that everyone, regardless of vaccination status, wear masks indoors in public places to ensure easy verification that all unvaccinated people are masked in those settings and as an extra precautionary measure for all.”

In the attached article about the debacle in Missouri – because of COVID non-belief and anti-masking politics, the state has a low rate of vaccinations and some counties really low (e.g. 20%). Not only are hospitals in those areas full (95% of the patients have the Delta variant), but they are full with younger patients (20s, 30s and 40s). Doctors are quote as observing that although there were folks in that age group who got COVID, they largely weren’t hospitalized, the folks in the hospital and in the ICU are in much worse share than folks their age in the first surge. So, they appear to be saying that the Delta variant is not only more transmissible but harder to deal with when people get it.


Can anyone point me to information about how likely or unlikely it would be that a vaccinated grandparent who avoids crowds and wears a mask in indoor settings could get Covid and then give it to a grandchild? My daughter and her husband have been so cautious for the past 16 months and we have too, in order to see the children, but at times it does seem to border on what ucbalumnus calls “covid paranoid”. Us having dinner on a deck with another vaccinated couple makes them very uncomfortable. I just wish I had the numbers to reassure them. We are in a low community spread, high community vaccination area.

We’ve generally been unconcerned about covid since getting vaccinated but we have some upcoming things which I’ll admit make me a bit nervous. Next week, my 20 year old son is flying to Miami to attend an outdoor music festival with 250,000 of his closest friends. He is fully vaccinated with Moderna, but I still worry a little bit. Then in August, five family members (including myself)who are all fully vaccinated will be going to Walt Disney World for a week. We all dislike masks and won’t be wearing them any more than is required, but with cases surging in Florida, we will be doing our own personal experiment on how well those vaccines work. I’ll let you all know if any of us come down with it. I guess by the end of August we’ll know for sure if they held up for us.

We are generally trusting the vaccine but are continuing to dine only at outdoor seating. Our road trip to Seattle and back essentially eased us out of the very cautious behaviors. I closely monitor San Diego county numbers and so far, although the Delta variant is rapidly increasing, it’s still very low numbers and our population is relatively well vaccinated. But there are tons of tourists here (thanks to no cruises or Europe vacations), and I’m sure many of them are from low vaccination rate states. Luckily just about everything we do socially is outdoors here so no need to think about indoor mask considerations.

I fully expect that numbers will rise by the end of the summer. So far San Diego County is not following the lead of LA or SF Bay communities re indoor masking. I suspect the health officials don’t really expect mass compliance but want to make a point of the increasing danger to unvaccinated people. I’m thinking now is the time to get out and about before our numbers follow the lead of the other counties, as they have done in the past.

Our big test will be going to the (indoor) theater in August - to see Hair. Presumably most of the audience will be seniors and more likely to be vaccinated. Interestingly, the theater apparently will allow refunds if you arrive and don’t like the looks of things! COVID-19 Policy | The Old Globe

If you have a ticket for one of our programs or productions and feel uncomfortable in our public spaces once you’ve arrived, you can speak with our Ticket Office for an exchange or refund.

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In my opinion, grandparents have to respect the decision of the parents. I would not risk my relationship with my D (and GD) by questioning her … even if you arm yourself with information, I think it could backfire on you. You are free to socialize however you feel comfortable, but your D needs to be able to set whatever limits she feels comfortable setting when it comes to her child. Just my two cents.


We have had several days of triple digit new cases recently. I am back to only outdoor dining. Our state has never lifted indoor masking requirement and though I have a tough time wearing masks for >1hr, I’m glad. I am sure our rates would be even higher if mask mandates were lifted.

H is high risk due to gender and age and asthma. I’m high risk due to bad lungs and my age is also creeping up there. None of us wants to get 90+ year old mom sick.

We aren’t traveling anywhere until maybe 5/2022. Our state has hordes of visitors, whom we carefully avoid as best we can.

This is my opinion only.

Yes I understand that the parents get to have a say over their newborn. But I also feel sorry that the grandparents can’t even socialize with another close couple outside.

It’s important to be careful with a newborn. It’s also important for all people to be able to socialize sometimes. Because the grandparents aren’t consumed with parenting 24/7, it has to be a lonely existence to be so isolated.

@my3girls i don’t know what the answer is. You certainly have my sympathy though because it’s been a long haul. And to keep this up has to be exhausting on some level.

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The grandchildren are 2 and 5. I absolutely don’t want them to get Covid. And I totally would not push my daughter beyond her comfort zone. I just feel caught between them and others who want us to do more with them. I am so glad my daughter moved where we can see them regularly and I understand when they want us to stay away after things like traveling for my mother’s funeral a few months ago. Just trying to understand the big picture.

not sure where to put this, but the summer camp where my daughter just worked a week at, required all staff members to be vaccinated and would not allow staff to take days off “outside the bubble”. They would rent cabins or other outdoor safe activities for the days off. Only in the case of emergency could staff leave (funeral, major medical). Also staff and campers are tested multiple times a week. campers tested before they arrive. Within pods masks are off, but when having to mingle indoors or out with other pods masks on.
i was told that so far this summer none of the camps following this protocol have had a case.


I certainly understand your dilemma. It’s a very tough one.

You would never want to bring harm to your grandchildren. Oh my gosh, never! It’s just so hard.

I really do feel for you

We are now at a very uncomfortable place. H’s sister (and probably her H) is not vaccinated. She thinks she has natural immunity (guess she’s magical). She is coming to the area, and we are meeting for dinner. I found a place with outdoor seating. The issue is that there is no way D is letting her near her 6 month old. My H needs to man up and tell her in advance that she is not going to be able to hold the baby, but so far, he hasn’t done it. It’s not my family, so it’s not my job to be the one who tells her. My guess is that it will be a very uncomfortable meet up. Not looking forward to it.

Agree—if your H is too chicken to say it out loud, he can do a blanket group text that the pediatrician has ordered no one can touch or be within 6’ of baby unless fully vaxed. Your H has to be a man or it will be even more uncomfortable and unsafe.


D and baby can skip.


My granddaughter is now 6+months old. D1 asked me to text everyone in my family to mask up if not vaccinated. They also weren’t allowed to hold the baby.