<p>Since the common app already has a section for explaining more about an activity, should we write about something other than one of our activities that we find fun? I've done two different versions for the common app part, one about Frisbee and one about Golf, and I was wondering if it would not be wise to use each for each section (I'd probably put Frisbee one for supplement). Another thing I was thinking of was just being with friends during Math or Science club and randomly coming up with humorous things dealing with Math or Science.</p>
<p>Input por favor?</p>
<p>I see where you are having trouble. The CommonApp short answer asks for an activity whereas this prompt asks for something “quirky”. Quirky, is the key word here. I went ahead with something about a script that meddled with the IP chat on the school server…in a humorous way of course…</p>
Your “hanging out with friends” idea sounds good. One of the things Caltech assesses is an applicant’s fit with current students, and writing about enjoying the company of math- and science-minded people is a great example of the way you show that.</p>
<p>If you (or anyone) wants more ideas, there was a thread on the Caltech Class of 2013 facebook group’s discussion forum where EA admits and current students discussed what they put for that question.</p>
<p>I’ve been getting a better idea of what I want to do…</p>
<p>Hmm, I’ve tried two ideas, but I don’t know which approach is better. Anyone willing to help me choose?</p>
<p>I’m willing, but it would be easier if I knew what the two approaches are. On the other hand, it might be better if you didn’t have our input. Really, you know best what best shows oyur interest or humor. All I can say is whether I enjoy it or not.</p>
<p>I’ve decided which approach I’m using.</p>