Hi guys! I’m a new member of this site so I’m still learning my way around, but I figured that this would be a good place to mention what I had in mind.
I am a Junior attending Concord University in Athens, WV. My degree will be Pre-Professional Biology, also known as Pre-Med.
I’m wanting to start a club at my college called Future Doctor’s of America. I know the name isn’t totally original, but it’s probably the closest description of my idea. This club would include all students looking to pursue a career in the medical field, so primarily pre-vet and pre-med students (though there would be room for other groups that weren’t necessarily looking to become a “doctor” per se.)
I think that including some sort of scholarships, internships, study sessions, and “field trips” would all be a vital part of the club to receive widespread attention and get this thing a little more common. I think that it would also be awesome if it would inspire some high schools to start similar programs and have some sort of bridge program to colleges with the same program.
I think that this would be a pretty good way to begin a career in the medical field and would have the potential to offer some great opportunities to prospective students. My only issues is, I have no idea how to get the thing going. I know that I would first need to speak with some of my professors and perhaps the Dean of Students, but I wanted to present the idea to everyone here first to see if what I’m envisioning has the chance of becoming a reality.
Any comments, criticisms, or advice is greatly appreciated