GAHH!! Procrastination bites me in the butt again!

<p>So I've been working on my apps for quite some time now (especially my Davidson app, since I'm going for the Belk Scholarship). The deadline for Belk consideration is December 1st. </p>

<p>I submitted my application, Davidson supplement, and payment at <a href="I%20kid%20you%20not">I</a>* 12:00 AM.</p>

<p>Unfortunately, this translates to a CommonApp indication of "you submitted your application on December 2nd, 2008."</p>

<p>Thank you, CommonApp.</p>

<p>Anyway, is there any conceivable way that I'm still in the running? Or did I miss the deadline? Thanks!</p>

<p>I would just keep your fingers crossed. I would think you should be fine – the admissions people here are really nice people and wouldn’t want you to miss out on such a great opportunity.</p>

<p><em>fingers firmly crossed</em> lol<br>
I emailed the scholarship committee immediately after I sent it in. Hope it works!</p>

<p>Oh well. Worst case scenario: I just can’t be considered for the Belk, which I probably wasn’t going to get anyway.</p>

<p>I can still get into Davidson!</p>

<p>I imagine that they would still consider you, but it might not look good for Belk that you submitted literally at the last second… but yeah - like you’ve said, that doesnt effect other scholarships or actually getting in!!!</p>

<p>Quite frankly, I doubt they’ll give a damn. If anything, they’ll probably be more amused than menacing. I was just with a bunch of admissions officers doing the student Cat Chat and the lot of them were cracking jokes and asking how we like it here, asking how our Thanksgiving break went, and so on. </p>

<p>I never got the impression that other schools’ admissions officers are like this, but I have to say, Davidson applicants are the luckiest of all. Their applications are truly read with care (and sometimes humor, I’m sure… :P) and the officers seem humbled by some of the credentials mere seventeen year olds have.</p>

<p>haha. i think it would be fun to work there for a little while after I graduate. they seem like a fun group.</p>

<p>Just got an email back from admissions. They were really cool about it, in case anyone was wondring.</p>

<p>That’s great! See, as I said, no cause for worry :-)</p>

<p>They really care about their applicants and appreciate interest! They’re not going to make you bend over backwards.</p>