
<p>2 essays, half hour of stat work, reading for comp gov... and prolly sum other crap i missed while i was sick</p>

<p>would you rather be too hot or too cold</p>

<p>def too hot- i was freezing my ass off today</p>

<p>what are you going to do your first night at penn?</p>

<p>party with all the CCers...</p>

<p>what are gonna be your absolute dorm necessity snacks</p>

<p>cornflakes, ramen, poptarts and pink lemonade.
^^ pretty much all i ate at UF last summer. </p>

<p>if you've visited, which is ur fave building at penn?</p>

<p>Definitely Huntsman, it's gorgeous!</p>

<p>Who did you put down for your professor question for the Penn app?</p>

<p>childers... i sat in on a class about nazi germany with him... cool stuff</p>

<p>do you like cheese-its (my fav snack)</p>

<p>looooove them...esp the 100 calorie packs</p>

<p>favorite james bond</p>

<p>Well Sean Connery (sp?) was the original and most def arguably the best, but I think Daniel Craig was great in a really unconventional way. Much more hands on, lean-mean bond. And I loveddd him. </p>

<p>Last concert you went to?</p>

<p>dave matthews band just a week ago</p>

<p>if you could only have one cd (non burned), which cd</p>

<p>Lupe Fiasco-Food and Liquor</p>

<p>what is the craziest form of torture you would endure to attend penn? (for me, i wouldn't take any torture, cuz Penn doesnt equal my life)</p>

<p>listening to a spice girls cd</p>

<p>whats the craziest cruelest form of torture that u can think of</p>

<p>WHAT!!!!!!!!! The spice girls are my fav!!!!! I would say the craziest form of torture is a world without them!!!!! </p>

<p>and I'm seeing Lupe Fiasco up at Colby this Saturday!!! YAY were they totally awesome?</p>

<p>How old were you when you had your first kiss?</p>

<p>that scene from saw ii, where he plants the key to the bear trap inside the guys mangled eye socket, and gives him a scalpel to dig it out. If he couldnt do it the bear trap would shut over his face. THAT IS SOME SCARY SHYT....</p>

<p>wats your "backup" school?</p>

<p>to jennys - 12
to hoods - BU/gwu </p>

<p>how old were you when you went on ur first date?</p>

<p>alone (not group) ? i think 15. </p>

<p>how old were u when u had ur first crush on someone?</p>

<p>like, 9... lol... i dont think it really counted as a real crush but w/e</p>

<p>would u rather be too wet or too dry</p>


<p>what is your favorite color?</p>

<p>crouton - *** is too dry?<br>
pollo - blue/green</p>

<p>What is the first thing u notice on a guy or girl?</p>

<p>their smile - then their clothes. so present urselves well!</p>

<p>who do u like better: mom or dad?</p>

<p>if im close their face... far away is their figure... to be honest, face is the most important physical feature to me... you dont have to be really pretty, u just have to have a face that doesnt make me flinch</p>

<p>and paros - mom</p>

<p>wats the first thing you notice about a car</p>