
<p>dem 20z</p>

<p>would you rather be a dog or a cat?</p>

<p>cat. naaaps</p>

<p>ugly and smart or pretty and dumb?</p>

<p>neither...I have higher standards than that!</p>

<p>chinese or mexican food?</p>


<p>italian or indian</p>

<p>food? Italian</p>

<p>Italian or Chinese?</p>

<p>Chinese (EDIT: Chinese food, Italian men!)</p>

<p>Skiing or snowboarding?</p>


<p>killing or dying</p>

<p>killing...that's right, I'm creepy</p>

<p>Drowning or burning to death?</p>

<p>Drowning..what's this obsession with death??</p>

<p>What kind of milk? Chocolate, 1%, 2%, soy, etc?</p>

<p>2% of course</p>

<p>What kind of juice?</p>

<p>Cranberry (anddddd it prevents urinary tract infections)</p>

<p>Techno or classical?</p>


<p>for ads-tecno... u can dance to techno and sandstorm is awesome</p>

<p>orange juice with pulp or without</p>

<p>with pulp I guess</p>

<p>Favorite soda/pop/whatever you call it where you live</p>

<p>Stewart's Orange Cream Soda</p>

<p>Penn Rejection or Death?</p>

<p>rejection...I'm not a freak!</p>

<p>pencils or pens?</p>


<p>diet or regular pepsi?</p>


<p>and regular... diet tastes like **** and is worse for ur body neway (aspertame... read about it... makes ur body think its sugar so ur body releases the insulin and then its not sugar so its bad)</p>

<p>is garf serious?</p>

<p>I'm hoping he's joking
Regular Pepsi</p>

<p>What color is your hair?</p>


<p>what color r the bottom of ur feet?</p>

<p>black with natural curls</p>

<p>eh, the color of my skin?</p>

<p>long hair or short hair (on the opposite sex)?</p>