
<p>Short (on guys)</p>

<p>Favorite font?</p>

<p>garamond and or comic sans</p>

<p>favorite type of transportation</p>



<p>Franklin Gothic Book (yeah yeah whatever)</p>

<p>favorite day of the week and why?</p>

<p>Friday..beginning of the weekend
CDs, cassettes, or records?</p>

<p>cds cuz the other two suck ass</p>

<p>rap or rock</p>

<p>ATL girl...rap of course</p>

<p>biggest regret?</p>

<p>joining and becoming addicted to CC </p>

<p>lol... that and procrastinating like no other</p>

<p>biggest risk youve taken</p>

<p>applied to wharton when i probably definitly woulda gotten into CAS (legacy)</p>

<p>snow or sunshine</p>

<p>snow b/c ive nvr seen it</p>

<p>fave news channel (lol)</p>

<p>comedy central</p>

<p>fav tv channel</p>

<p>i don't really watch tv</p>

<p>rain or shine?</p>

<p>paro!! i've never seen snow (in person) either! <3 socal haha</p>

<p>It depends on my mood. Like when I'm doing college apps it best be rainy. thunder is also key.</p>

<p>Lol how about the crazzziest thing you've ever been dared to do in a raunchy game of truth or dare??</p>

<p>ahhh.. I love that game.</p>

<p>Seriously, when people are horny and end up playing truth or dare, it turns into a crazy orgy.. haha</p>

<p>Um, full blown makeout session plus a closet. He was cute.</p>

<p>same question for all of you - craziest thing you did in truth or dare..</p>

<p>lol, i havent played that game since like, 8th grade</p>

<p>craziest thing ive done is ding dong ditch the neighbors house... twice... who have a beware of dog sign on their property... i was bookin it cuz their dog is HUGE</p>

<p>craziest thing a friends done... i know its awful... shes a vegetarian and we dared her to eat a chunk of beef... she was sick for like, the next two days</p>

<p>same question... craziest thing you did in truth or dare</p>

<p>hmmm I'll second the crazy make out sesh, but I've definitely done my fair share of "were going to put whipcream/and or other kinky desert topping on boy x's chest, and we dare you to lick it off." had to be pretty drunk for those times... Lol and oh! this was on the beach at night one time... but I was dared to totally get naked and streak... and I did it but I made like 3 other people go with me. </p>

<p>Umm ok either answer this question again, orrr what's the most awful/hilarious prank you've ever played on someone?</p>

<p>ive got a few...</p>

<li><p>at camp this kid who was a complete dick was sleeping in a bed with room underneath the bed not up against a wall. so we took two things of plastic wrap while he was sleeping and wrapped it around him, so he couldnt move. then you tickle him with a feather until he wakes up and freaks out... then tickle him sum more with the feather. </p></li>
<li><p>give somebody fake lotto tix... basically it says they just won 100k or sumthing, and then on the back its like... NOT!</p></li>
<li><p>we got a condom, filled it w/ flour and water, sat in the back of the theter in a corner, wait until a loud part in da film and then lob the condom into the crowd... that one was funny</p></li>

<p>either the prank one or the truth or dare one</p>

<p>omfg the condom one!! AHAHAHA</p>

<p>my craziest dare is not crazy compared to you guys. i was 10 years old, and was at an italian restaurant with friends, when one guy dared me to go to the bar and order a carafe of chianti(extremely expensive red wine). so i did it and got in a LOT of trouble. the restaurant manager called up my parents and everything. horrible.</p>

<p>but i dont regret doing it cuz it was hilarious</p>