<p>OMG, yeeeaahhh! That would be super weird seeing everyone in person. Let’s all pray for each other, yes? Haha.</p>
<p>I’m applying to Chicago Columbia College, OU, and UCO. Quite possibly a school in Texas. I am kinda iffy on where to go. Mainly just depends on scholarships. I haven’t even STARTED applying to colleges. :O</p>
<p>And yes, i am completely relieved that I won’t have to look at those essays again.</p>
<p>I finished applying to all my schools in December and my top choices are probably UPenn and BC. If I don’t get in our the financial aid doesn’t work out, I’m going to the state flagship. It won’t be a bad thing because I’ll know people and I won’t be too close too home</p>
<p>OMG, Nena, I feel your pain! I did also & one of my paragraphs got meshed in w/ another one. AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH! GRRRRRRRRRRRRRR! What is done, is done! :P</p>
<p>Yeah, I noticed that some browsers work better than others when I worked on my essays. Mozilla messes up the paragraphs and it deletes punctuation. I had to keep fixing it.</p>
<p>Oh gosh, I see now. I had to keep messing w/ mind also. I wonder if it submitted okay then… You know, I was up at around 5 in the morning, & things were working perfectly fine until the sight started running slow. I started to freak out & I tried to save some things, but it wouldn’t work, like that paragraph. So I just decided to submit it, but for some reason, it wouldn’t work. I freaked, & about ten minutes later it finally submitted. I was thinking along the same lines, “better safe than sorry.” At least it is submitted, though. :)</p>
<p>well, it’s only 9 o’clock here. I took a nap as soon as i got out of school and I finished all of my homework. i’m just spending sometime on the computer. Speaking of time, I guess the deadline has officially passed! Whoa!</p>
<p>Haha, I think I am used to being up late. For this past week I have stayed up till 3-5 in the morning. My friends thought I was crazzzyyy, but a girl’s gotta do what a girl’s gotta do.</p>
<p>Haha, yeah, usually I’m up late too, but surprisingly, I finished my homework early today. </p>
<p>I just checked the site and this is what it says
*The deadline for the 2009-2010 Gates Millennium Scholars (GMS) Nomination Process was January 12, 2009. The database is now closed as documents are currently being processed. We will not be able to provide status updates. Please note that Nomination forms that were submitted online by 11:59 p.m. EST January 12, 2009 or postmarked by January 12, 2009 will be processed.</p>
<p>Nominees who submitted their forms by the deadline will begin to receive notification in March 2009.</p>
<p>The Nomination Timeline is as follows:</p>
<pre><code>* February, independent readers will complete an individualized reading and scoring assessment of eligible Nominees in three major areas:
o academic achievement,
o community service, and
o leadership potential
March, Nominees will be notified by mail and informed if they are selected as a Candidate Finalist or not selected.
Candidate finalist will be notified if they are selected as Gates Millennium Scholars or not selected mid April. All selected Gates Scholars will be notified no later than May 1, 2009.*
<p>Oh woowwwww, that is a lot to take in. You know, this scholarship will change the course of my life…whether I win or lose. So weird to think about.</p>
<p>Academic achievement? This all kinda sorta freaks me out.
Makes my stomach feel blahh.</p>
<p>I submitted at exacty 10:59 Central, 11:59 Eastern.</p>
<p>So stressful, was having an apocalypse at my house. My brother had some how decided he needed to act the ultimate irration jerk to me tonight, and disconnect the internet for absolute stupid reasons. </p>
<p>I think it was test from God on my endurance.
It must have been.</p>
<p>Well I got it in and finished the d*** essays so I am happy.</p>
<p>i have a question (a lot, actually): in my “completed past goals” essay i mentioned briefly that i had gotten in early into MIT. do you think that helps/ hurts me?</p>
<p>statistically, it is easier to get into MIT than it is to get the Gates scholarship though… I don’t know how this fits in with the self-selecting nature of the MIT applicant pool.</p>
<p>on my "weakest subject’ i also mentioned my sat score percentiles to show them how much my english had improved in the last year… 1st CR=33%, last CR=88%; 1st WR=55%, last WR=96% . do you think i will get penalized for this?</p>
<p>omg you guys want this scholarship so bad!!!
i filled out the extracurriculars/grades and had my teachers send recs in friday
wrote my essays saturday (half of them were less than 1/2 of a page, 2 were a bit more than a page)
revised them sunday and sent it in! lol</p>
<p>i really hope that i get this scholarship, but if i don’t, i won’t feel bad one bit if someone who believes that “this scholarship will change the course of my life…whether I win or lose” gets it over me. This person probably needs it much more than i do.</p>
<p>good luck to you all and let the best man (or woman) win!!!</p>
<p>btw, did anyone notice the reverse gender gap of the selected scholars?
------> speculating: is it a possibility that they practice affirmative action for men to fix this???</p>
<p>also, i mentioned that i was gay and was involved heavily (i wrote a whole essay about it) in LGBT activism. Does anyone know if this will hurt me? I wasn’t able to find a non-discrimination statement anywhere… but then again this scholarship does kind of discriminate against white low-income people…</p>