Gateway vs SAO

Very quick question. If we are only applying to one school is there a difference between using Gateway vs SAO?

No difference. We did Gateway and it was super easy to update information once inputted. It’s also easy to get recs from Gateway too. No follow-up is needed on your end. Ad if you by chance wanted to add another school to Gateway it’s very easy. Good luck!

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We found gateway very easy to use. Only watch out is check school character/word count in application request and in the section you upload on the computer - they are not always consistent which can make it a pain to edit after you already love your essay. Good luck!

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SAO essays seemed easier according to my older DS who had to do both.

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Thanks all! Much appreciated

At least in our years of applying – SAO was easier to add additional schools should you change your mind. You just have to put in a credit card and BOOM it all uploads immediately to the school. Gateway, you have to reach out to your recommenders again, depending on what default is set in the system (one of our recommenders had the “contact me” toggle on, not purposely, but just because no one realized it was even a thing.). So for my money, I’d do SAO.