<p>Well i have the following list of universities in front of . Here there are colleges from HYP to purdue. What i want is a fair assessment of my chances. Not as a specific yes no, but as a categorization. Plzz categorize these schools based on stats i give in three distinct groups </p>
<p>safety == A
Gud Chance of getting in == B
Low chance or highly Selective so no prediction ==C</p>
<p>Well also the stats to be considered are :</p>
<p>Sat : 2100 ( maths 800, CR 650, Writing 650 )
Sat 2 assume to be gud, Nearly abt 1540 in 1600( for 2 tests)</p>
<p>School rank =top 5
School Grades : 4 Bs, 26-27 As throughout 4 yr schooling since grade 9…no gpa</p>
<p>Student= International
Financial Aid needed : Yes</p>
<p>Toefl: Not Given</p>
<p>Ecs: Ranging from International Participation to National Awards to State to city ones…
Over 800+ hrs of active community service
Dedicated Journalist at a leading city daily ( oldest in country)
Wholesome list of national participation
Student Government : Yes</p>
<p>recommendation : As per what i know Gud, Counselor one is very unique (frm basic idea)
Essays : I have read them , are probably the most unique and diff. i have ever heard of… But liked by all who read. Gud</p>
<p>Now the College List ( Order just random not priority wise):</p>
<li>Georgia Institute of Technology</li>
<li>University Of Michigan -Ann arbor</li>
<li>Colgate University</li>
<li>Cornell University</li>
<li>Dartmouth College</li>
<li>Duke University
7.Boston University</li>
<li>Harvard College</li>
<li>Johns Hopkins University</li>
<li>Ohio Wesleyan University</li>
<li>Princeton University</li>
<li>Rice University</li>
<li>Washington University at st.loius</li>
<li>Yale University</li>
<li>Purdue University </li>
<li>Illinois Institute of Technology</li>
<li>University Of Texas At Austin</li>
<li>University Of Chicago</li>
<li>University Of Pennsylvania</li>
<li>Brown University</li>
<li>Stanford University</li>
<li>University of Southern California</li>
<p>Seems the post became very long… so common start the thinking… categorize these…comments welcome</p>
<p>Top 5 = as in top 5% or top 5 out of your school?</p>
<p>Ok here's my thingee - I'm assuming that you are one of the top 5 students in your school, with an array of great international, national, regional awards.. (this does not fully apply if you do not have great national awards..)</p>
<p>A schools</p>
<li>University of Southern California (they love intels)</li>
<li>University Of Texas At Austin (they love intels also)</li>
<li>Colgate University (saftey saftey safety)</li>
<li>Purdue University (definetly a saftey)</li>
<li>Ohio Wesleyan University (dont know much about the school sorry)</li>
<li>Georgia Institute of Technology (same as above)</li>
<p>B schools</p>
<li>University Of Michigan -Ann arbor</li>
<li>Dartmouth College</li>
<li>Duke University (spirit it the key, i heard that duke likes people with heaps and heaps of enthusiasm about their school)</li>
<li>University Of Chicago (you have to really stand out as a person, not just like the other paper applicants)</li>
<li>University Of Pennsylvania</li>
<li>Johns Hopkins University (same as u chi, and stingy with fin aid)</li>
<li>Rice University (not sure if it belongs here...)</li>
<li>Washington University at st.loius (they will be stingy with fin aid)</li>
<li>Cornell University</li>
<p>C schools: but not because you are not good enough - because it's highly competitive and it's pretty much a lottery game at these schools</p>
<p>Your hooks: 800 hrs of community service and rank and intel/national awards. Your grades are great too. And SATs don't matter much at the B and C schools.</p>
<p>no but may be i will be applying for 14-15 ...btw my sats scores are horrible(2100/2400) as of yet but let me see i will be improving....in october sat...also sat 2 matters</p>
<p>Next as per rank yes i am among the top 5 not top 5 % of class ....</p>
<p>As per Ecs..
For international one the only thing that will go in the application is my participation at 3rd diversity matters forum .. it was a forum where more than 20 countries took part and a total of only 2 students present...i being one of them. It is organised by the commenwealth countries and australian association with the europian union countries...</p>
<p>For national awards .. i have Elocution prizes-1st frm Comp Soc. Of India
National Scout jamoboree
National Council of musuems 2nd prize
State Coucil of regional museums(science ) -- appreciation and participaiton </p>
<p>National Science drama == Parrticipant
National Children festival === Parrticipant
Science Olympiad - state qualifier
and 3-4 more
Is this okey. i was wondering how do i highlight all this....</p>
<p>Some I don't know that much about, sorry... Top 5 or top 5%. I'm assuming your school is massive?</p>
<li>Georgia Institute of Technology - A?</li>
<li>University Of Michigan -Ann arbor - B</li>
<li>Colgate University - A/B</li>
<li>Cornell University - C (Ivies are also unpredictable)</li>
<li>Dartmouth College - C</li>
<li>Duke University - B
7.Boston University - A</li>
<li>Harvard College - C</li>
<li>Johns Hopkins University - B</li>
<li>Ohio Wesleyan University - A</li>
<li>Princeton University - C</li>
<li>Rice University - B/C</li>
<li>Washington University at st.loius - B/C</li>
<li>Yale University - C</li>
<li>Purdue University - A</li>
<li>Illinois Institute of Technology - A</li>
<li>University Of Texas At Austin - A</li>
<li>University Of Chicago - B</li>
<li>University Of Pennsylvania - B/C</li>
<li>Brown University - B/C</li>
<li>Stanford University - B/C</li>
<li>University of Southern California - B</li>
<p>As for financial aid, I recommend really going through the school's website to see how much is given on average. G'luck! You seem like a stronger than average candidate.</p>
<p>Ok, my evaluation was based upon looking on your scores and basics stats and not much besides that. It is therefore predicated on you having average intangibles(recs, essays) in your application package. You could certainly improve your standing by having very good intangibles, improving your scores (CR and WR) or, even better, both.
Also, do investigate the exact Financial Aid situation in regards to internationals better - I am sure that some of these institutions do not offer that much FinAid for internationals (i.e. BU or Purdue).
Good luck!</p>
<li>Georgia Institute of Technology - B - depending on their budget</li>
<li>University Of Michigan -Ann arbor - B - budget</li>
<li>Colgate University - A-B - very generous to internationals</li>
<li>Cornell University - A(for admission) B-C(for FinAid) (they could admit you without FinAid)</li>
<li>Dartmouth College - C</li>
<li>Duke University - B
7.Boston University - A (they have limited Finaid, though)</li>
<li>Harvard College - C (better name it "playin' the slots")</li>
<li>Johns Hopkins University - B</li>
<li>Ohio Wesleyan University - A (if you can pay $10k, you're set!)</li>
<li>Princeton University - C</li>
<li>Rice University - B</li>
<li>Washington University at st.loius - A (but they don't give FA, for all I know)</li>
<li>Yale University - C</li>
<li>Purdue University - A (Finaid?)</li>
<li>Illinois Institute of Technology - A (Finaid?)</li>
<li>University Of Texas At Austin - B (Finaid?)</li>
<li>University Of Chicago - C (very limited finaid)</li>
<li>University Of Pennsylvania - C</li>
<li>Brown University - B-C </li>
<li>Stanford University - C</li>
<li>University of Southern California - C(finaid?)</li>
<p>I know it's not exactly the same thing, but when I was talking about Finaid, I had in mind both need-based scholarships and merit-based ones. The point still stands that many of the places you listed are not that generous to internationals.
(a minor correction - Financial Aid should be treated like a singular noun, see your last post)</p>
<p>well be that it. so maybe u cud come up with gud ones ..and reputed also.. The point is that this list is still huge.. eliminations will be there.. as of yet this have their place in the prospects......</p>
<p>neways and thanks for pointing the fin aid thing.. yes it shud be singular..</p>
<p>Btw any more comments are welcome..... my essays are awesome(Really) and i have read the recos. they are pretty much amazing.... better than all i have read till date</p>