General airline travel thread

Also remember to take off your glasses, that is a common reason for failure of the e-gate photo match.


Heathrow is a pain with the toiletries. A few years ago, I transited through there on my way out of the US. No problems with the toiletries. Same bag, on my way back to the US, they wouldn’t let it through. Argh.

Agree! My daughter has Clear but it is messed up somehow so she just goes pre-check and almost always beats me. Also, I get flagged to show ID about 30% of the time. It used to be great, but not really worth it anymore.

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I just flew to Heathrow and back. No problems at all! It was quick and fully staffed. Coming home through JFK was a nightmare and American Airlines cancelled 4 flights that would have taken me home. We slept/napped on the floor of terminal overnight, and three times, spent over two hours stuck in airplanes on the runway, only to have to return to the terminal

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Ugh. Delta’s new frequent flier program is gonna take some figuring out to see what its gonna take and how. Hoping maybe one of the other airlines will offer a matching level to lure us away. WIll happily follow whoever will do that. Anyone know if American or United will match status?

I got my Global Entry card in the mail today. Took me a while to figure out how to activate it, even following their directions on how to log in and look for ‘membership’ (it’s not there). Then I went to enter my number into my profile on SW and there are 2 really long numbers on the card and not sure which is my traveler number.

They don’t make this easy.

I was wondering if it expired 5 years from when I applied and paid (Feb) or 5 years from when I got the card (Sept) and the answer is neither. It expires 5 years from my next birthday (July) so really I get 6 years.


On my Global Entry Card, my known traveler number is on the back and is the 9 digit one listed as PASSID in the upper left corner. I’ve had mine for a while so I don’t know if the format has changed.

No, still the same. I just renewed and got my new card last month.

The number on the left (9 numbers) is what I used. There is also a 10 digit number on the right side, and it is printed in much bigger type. WHY do they have to make all the numbers like that?

My driver’s license is also miniature type. The state has made that a little bigger in more recent years, but I have one more year to go on that one. I just laugh when they check my ID at the grocery store. There is NO WAY they can read my birth date without a magnifying glass.

Well this is adorable:


At least you were allowed to stay in the terminal overnight. Actress Kristen Bell, with her husband and kids had the last flight out of Logan cancelled and they were settling in to spend the night, setting up a “camp” for the kids in a corner of the terminal when they were kicked out by security. No hotel space could be located, and they eventually called a friend who lived in Greater Boston in the wee hours to pick them up.

We had a flight cancelled twice last year. In Montreal, Air Canada told us they would take care of us, and dropped the ball–by the time it was clear their promises were lies, it was very late and we barely found a hotel, and only got a few hours of sleep.

In Dublin, Aer Lingus took all of us who missed a connecting flight to Boston and gathered us in a side room, gave us our boarding passes for the next day, and told us exactly where the courtesy phones were for airport hotels with courtesy vans. They also explained exactly how to file a claim. We booked one, had a lovely dinner there, and caught our flight the next day refreshed.

Finally, we had to fight Air Canada to pay for our hotel and taxis as they promised. We finally got reimbursed months later when the Canadian government told the airlines to cut the crap and treat people right. Aer Lingus, OTOH, being in the EU, refunded all of our costs within a month of filing a claim.

Seems like it depends on the airport as to whether you will be allowed to stay overnight.

I saw that on their social media. I wonder whether them being asked to leave was really because they took up a significant amount of real estate with the hundreds of dollars in blankets and “supplies” that they bought (per their own social media post) and set up a legitimate camp. It looked like they had taken up a lot of space with the blankets all spread out. I like them but that was a head-scratcher. I also wonder whether they were asked to break down the “camp” in order to remain or if they were actually kicked out.

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Just a heads up to everyone. Keep tabs on your stuff as best you can.

They were kicked out because the terminals at Logan actually close up for the night, around midnight. My daughter spent the night at Denver airport in July and there were families with children who did the same, set up camp for the night for their kids. She made friends with an inquisitive 3 year old as a result!

I slept on a bench in Logan, but that was a decade ago. The bench had dividers on it, so not comfortable. Others there too, but no one on floor.

I believe that’s called “hostile architecture.”


That’s crazy that they would throw people out whose flights were canceled and no place to go!

That’s also done to park benches, like those on the Boston Common, to discourage homeless people from sleeping on them.


I don’t see the equivalence though. Gate areas inside airport terminals are only accessible to ticketed passengers, so there isn’t a risk of homeless people squatting.
And if security sees someone staying on for multiple days they can ask to see their ticket.