<p>I'm more focused on if Ohio State will accept rush SAT delivery. Sorry I am posting it here but the OSU forum is basically dead. Has anybody had any experience delivering rush SAT to OSU before?</p>
<p>If not, my other question is...typically how long does it take for a normal SAT to send electronically to a school? It says 1-2 weeks but I wonder if it is shorter...I sent this score normally on Wednesday and I am hoping it will get there by Monday.</p>
<p>D sent report to 4 schools a week ago yesterday. It was “processed” by CS 3 days ago. I assume that where it was electronic that it was received same day but then it is all up to the college itself. So ours w/o rush, was Thursday to Tuesday on CB end.</p>
<p>OK, I got some corrections. Sorry I typed CS instead of CB but in the process I logged into CB to verify what I wrote and I guess this week was a blurr because I was off by a day. The Thursday request was process by CB on Wednesday. In terms of how the colleges have handled them, these reports are to more recent applications and we don’t have admission links to each college set up yet, therefore I cannot check that end.</p>