<p>The New York Times had one of their education life supplements this weekend. Education</a> News - Education Life - New York Times I thought this graphic was rather interesting. The first five columns show which states (or internationals as a group) have the highest numbers at each college listed while the final column shows which state had the highest percentage accepted. The</a> New York Times > Education > Image > Geography My one quibble is that the numbers appear to include graduates students as well as undergrads at least at some institutions.</p>
<p>I find it funny that Colorado College has more students from Wyoming than Colorado. Any theories out there? I’ll try: maybe kids who want to leave Wyoming come to Colorado and the tuition at the state schools is comparable to CC, so they choose the private over the public. But from a Colorado student’s point of view, CC isn’t much of a bargain compared to in-state CU or CSU, and/or if they want and can afford private, they go out of state for the change of scenery.</p>
<p>I found that chart beyond fascinating on a multitude of levels…really wish you could get those stats easily for all schools…certainly would clarify admission chances for us in over-represented states…(and help others in under-represented)…</p>
<p>Anyone know where this info is available other than this limited chart?</p>
<p>One interesting fact that I got out of it: A couple of schools admitted a larger percentage of students from the OVER represented states than under…strange…</p>
<p>River there are only 18 Wyoming students at CC. I think you are misreading the chart. However 44% of wyo students who apply get in.</p>
<p>In fact Wyoming had high acceptance rates across the board including Harvard LOL. I was one of the few born and raised in Wyoming. There aren’t many of us out there.</p>
<p>My favorite nugget was that all 8 kids who applied from SC to Bard were accepted.</p>
<p>OK, I get it. My bad. I was in a hurry :0</p>
<p>And we might as well point out that there’s a whole string of Wyomings in the right hand column. Way to go!</p>
I was impressed that the second most popular state was California. I know they’ve made quite a recruiting effort out there in recent years. </p>
<p>Kind of a strange list of schools when you figure who got left off. No such stats for the others?</p>
<p>50% rate for DE to Pitzer and Pomona. I guess that should boost my confidence, but there must be an awful amount of self-selection.</p>