College admissions miss "risks"

<p>By Allison Sherry
The Denver Post</p>

<p>At a time when colleges and universities across the country will try nearly anything to keep students from quitting, professors and administrators at Colorado College are tackling the reverse.</p>

<p>College</a> admissions miss "risks" - The Denver Post</p>

<p>I saw that in today's paper. Pretty interesting. I can understand how difficult it must be for the admissions committee - any admissions committee - to accept a good mix of the super-smart and the super-intriguing (or both), especially since, in this case, Colorado College's prestige is quickly rising. You have to keep the (or, at least, try to achieve a) quirky, diverse student body while dealing with increasingly more 'perfect' applicants.</p>

<p>I found this article rather odd.........criticizing CC for becoming more selective at the expense of dropping their “quirky quotient”. I fully agree with the idea that it is important to have a student body with a wide diversity of outlooks. However, something about the writer's slant make me feel like her editor had been criticizing her for not writing enough quirky, controversial articles. </p>

<p>It would make a lot more sense to me to write about CC’s difficulty attracting a racially and economically diverse group......which in turn creates diversity of thought. I'm hoping the rise in ranking will help with this process.</p>

<p>And for anyone thinking of applying, don't be put off by the article talking about CC only picking from the very top. My son, accepted ED, is certainly a competent student with good ECs, but he has nothing truly outstanding on his resume. I think he got in partly by showing how well he understood CC's unique program and what a perfect match it is for him. Geographic diversity also helped</p>

<p>I'm not put off by the idea of only taking the tippy-top; I'm put off by the quote about the "country-club atmosphere."</p>

<p>CC is also offering accepted students a shot at a gap year of semester with some financial awards. Very interesting school.</p>