Hello College Student. I am a Junior in High School and I am scared if I would be accepted into the school or not. If you could state your stats like gpa/sat/ec’s, if you don’t feel comfortable please give me a few tips that would help me get selected. 
Also, I have a lower gpa compared to the average gpa, is there any way I can compensate for that?
Thank you in advance and have a blessed day.
Well, you don’t list your stats so there’s no way to tell what your chances would be. If your spelling and grammar are anything to go off of I would assume your essays aren’t gonna be too hot. It would be a good idea to list at least some of your stats such as ECs and GPA if you’re comfortable with listing them.
In terms of advice, I would recommend emailing your local admissions staffer and attend a few info sessions to demonstrate interest as I do believe it is considered. Other than that I believe most people have a legitimate shot at Mason if they demonstrate a focus/interest in the major they’re applying to. Since you’re a junior there’s not much you can change academically that will have an impact other than finish off this year strong. Applying RD and sending in 1st semester SR grades might be something to consider if you’re really worried about your GPA. Other than that all you can do now is looking at prompts for essays and starting now in order to write the most impactful essays that give good insight into what you can add to Mason community.
I wish you luck in the application process.