George Washington University Transfer

36k alumni university award (grant), 4k work study, the rest was federal loans

So, I was told that I shouldn’t expect my decision before June 22nd (like I asked)… which doesn’t bode very well I guess. Requesting Early Decision Release doesn’t seem to matter.

I wonder why they are so backed up on all of these decisions. I’m not sure what to do now.

@niiniin When I requested an early read from Georgetown on a Friday they got back to me by close of business Monday and this was an erratic year for them. I have special circumstances myself in needing to hear back (this was by the 15th) and explained in detail to GWU and that’s when they responded in a curt copy and paste email, not even addressing or acknowledging my situation.

@dcstorm97 Wow. At least they took the time to actually write a two sentence email that (seemingly) wasn’t copied and pasted for me.
Honestly, GW’s handling of transfer applications has been abhorrent.

I also got accepted to the business school. I actually received a $7,500 scholarship, per year, as well.

My stats were:
College: CCC
GPA: 4.0
Credits: 62
Essay: Decent
Recommendations: Great
Financial Aid: No

Although I am happy to have been accepted, I will be going to USC instead.
Good luck to all of you, who will be going to GW!

@Vincent1997 When were you accepted? Today?

@Vincent1997 Nice to see an update on where you’ll be headed! I ended up going with UVA.

@niiniin You know it’s bad when everyone you know is asking you why you haven’t heard back. Co-workers, family, friends all think it’s strange the school remains uncommunicative. That’s one thing I like about UVA: one of the admissions officers actually frequents these forums and communicates back and forth in a very transparent manner such as anticipation of delays.

Everyone understands that admissions works hard, but when they brush off transfer students, yet devote their time and energy on Twitter and Facebook to let freshmen students in on admissions timelines, it paints a very bad taste in my mouth. Every university that I applied to this year, be it American, UMD, W&M, Georgetown, UVA, each took the time to write emails and correspond to me because of several situations I am in. I’m also a GI Bill student and having an earlier timeline helps me because I really need to start having letters of certification with the VA and other items squared away, and those take time. If admissions pushes their timeline to the right and they all stick to this ridiculous script unlike other schools, I can’t very well paint the school as veteran or even transfer friendly.

In terms of their Twitter or Facebook, simply browse their admissions page and see what they devote to timelines earlier this year. The month of April is all designed to be enticing for decision time for freshmen, yet miraculously the page drops off considerably in May and June. I understand that the bulk of their admissions is freshmen, but it’s still absolutely no excuse to neglect transfers.

Well, one more week everyone. The flood gates have got to open. By the end of June is literally next Saturday. I really don’t know what to say if they push it into July. I’ve heard by the end of mid June and now end of June at this point, so it really wouldn’t surprise me if they don’t release them by the end of the month. That’s the hardest part: even when they give you a date, you’re not sure whether it’s set in stone or it’ll keep getting pushed.

@niiniin So did you hear back yesterday for early release?

@naomimc No. They told me that they could not give me an early decision

@dcstorm97 Not only did they tell me they couldn’t give me an early decision, they also said that they plan on having all decisions out by sometime in July. I asked them for a specific date so I could see if OSU would push back my housing deadline and they declined to offer me a specific date. They also “apologized” for how long this is taking. It’s pathetic. They need to get it together.

Hearing sometime in July does not inspire confidence in me.

Also, this is the fourth time that they have switched the timelines. I have now heard through official channels through myself personally by early June, by mid June, by end of June and now sometime in July.

Having to wait until “sometime in July” is absolutely ludicrous. I just paid my deposit for American University - it was my first choice anyway. They also gave me a very nice merit scholarship.

But best of luck to everyone else who are still waiting! Hope it works out for you guys!

Ummmm July? They can’t expect us to wait that long? What are we supposed to tell our current schools? Not to mention the fact that their emails are all copy and pasted. If this is how they treat transfer students then I’m not sure I wanna pay them $50,000 a year.

I wish they would do what Georgetown did. They realized they would not be able to hit their deadline so they sent out rejection or wait list letters. Then after a couple weeks they gave the wait list students their news. They were also transparent about the reason why.

This whole thing is crazy. I need to have time to find a job that will replace my current income and find housing. Not to mention my wife is not excited that there is a possibility we will only have a month to pack up and move our family across the country.

I spoke to admissions on the phone and the officer was adamant that this week was the home stretch (verbatim) and decisions would be out in batches by or on the 29th.

Just called, desicion are going to be aviable just before the end of the month. the anxiety is going down hard…

I certainly hope what they told you guys is correct. But, that just goes to show even more that they really enjoy giving out differing information, annoyingly.

I wish you all luck. the following article was in the hatchet.