George Washington University Transfer

@americandaydream hi, I know gw is super wack abt this kind of stuff. my future roommate for gw told me that she heard early bc she requested “early release”. basically, her current university was trying to charge her for next semester’s room and board even though she was waiting on gw, so she emailed/called gw and explained her situation to them and asked for her decision early to prevent getting charged. if you would want to do something like this to get your decision faster, I recommend contacting YOUR admissions rep, so the one that is assigned to you based on your state of residency (available on the gw website) since they have most definitely seen your application. be polite, but firm. good luck!

@americandaydream I was expecting exactly that answer and so never attempted to contact them. Not terribly happy I was right. this is so annoying and painful !! I don’t understand why they’re delaying this so much :frowning:

Hey guys, I ended up declining my acceptance, so hopefully that opens one more spot in CAS/GWSB for you guys.

Will be headed to UVA, good luck! :slight_smile:

So last year March 1st was the deadline and the very last people heard back in early June. Given their metric of 6 weeks from deadline to process documents, people were hearing back from April 15th all the way until June 1st last year. Since April 15th was their deadline this year, May 27th was their 6 week processing point with some acceptances on the 31st. Using this logic, it’s in the realm of possibility that we will have to wait until July to fully hear back.

It’s really nerve-wracking for a college to wait that long, knowing full well that the entire month of May and June is available to other colleges’ accepted students to prepare for classes and orientation in August. With an acceptance in mid/late June, going on into July, it doesn’t give students the complete respect they deserve to fully prepare with barely over a month to complete documents and prepare to move into the city. The lack of transparency and the fact their own website lists their goal for accepted notifications as a simple “June/July” leaves an extremely bad taste in my mouth to be quite truthful and calls into question in my mind how they prioritize and treat transfer students.

I reached out to admissions again. They said by the end of June, in a “copy and paste” email.

@honeybiene thank you for that advice! I emailed my direct counselor so we’ll see how that goes:)

@dcstorm97 Well said. I totally agree with you. I also applied to American and UW in Seattle which also have rolling notifications into this month so I understand it’s not an exclusively GW thing. But I would say that both of their admissions offices were so much better about transparency, answering questions, and treating me like an actual person.

American University is really a true rolling admissions outfit. I was accepted there already but since I had filled out my application in early March I heard back in late April. GW has their deadline of April 15th but if you submit early there’s no advantage to doing so. My only guess is that they wanted to process the documents after all of the freshmen class was done and that’s why they pushed their deadline. It does put a lot of students at a disadvantage

@dcstorm97 you were lucky with American. Or maybe I was just very unlucky =) I applied to AU in the beginning of February and only heard back in the end of May. I got in, but such a long wait was driving crazy.

But I agree with you on GW. It’s just taking them way too long to get back with decisions. At this point, I’m considering just going to American instead. AU has always been my first choice, but I wanted to see if I get aid from GW before making my final decision.

In any case, hope we get our decisions soon! Having to wait until July would just be ridiculous.

Anyone else get an error message?

Wow… still nothing. I agree with all the sentiment above at how ludicrous this is.

@fjkdsdykh Nope, no error messages for me.

Called again today, was told that decisions will be out by the end of June. Rolling notifications, though. “They can come at any time”.

Anyone else see the “New Student Fall 2018” under their Eligibility for FA, yet? Since msport noticed his changed and then he got a decision a day later I thought my decision would have come soon… but it’s been like two weeks since it’s changed to “New Student”, lol.

@niiniin mine changed and was like that for a while. I didn’t find out the next day after it changed to “New Student.”

They’re probably getting ur aid together before they release your decision

I have friends that are transferring and when I tell them that gw hasn’t given out the majority of decisions yet they’re all surprised. I love the school but this sucks. If decisions really were rolling more people would be hearing from admissions by now. Everyone that emails is getting different answers and it’s really disrespectful ugh all I want is a date we’ll hear something yknow

@jacs5962 exaaactly we don’t even want are decisions right away we just want to know when we’ll know! I check my email way too often & this is honestly giving me the worst anxiety

@lliiiiiv The worst part is not so much the wait but the utter lack of transparency and no service. The emails they send out are copy and paste jobs that look as if they spent a minute doing the email. I understand they do an important job, but there’s really zero notifications whatsoever.

Literally this has my anxiety through the roof. If I just knew when they would be posted I could calm down ugh. Hearing back from waitlists before initial acceptances…just ridiculous

I actually submitted a request for Early Decision Release yesterday due to another school requiring me to pay for housing by the 22nd or pay a cancellation fee (of $3000!!) GW was supposed to get back to me today but they told me to email them if they didn’t, so I sent another email. I’ll let you guys know if Early Decision Release is actually worthwhile if you have a serious situation.

@msport did you get 45.5k in grants alone or is that total aid + federal loans + workstudy and stuff?