George Washington University Transfer

Hey guys! I just wanted to start this thread for anyone applying for the fall 2018 as a transfer. I am not sure when decisions will be out but I just sent in my application last Friday!

Sent my application in a month ago. GW is my first choice!

I heard we hear back around April 15th till the summer

Sounds about right. What do your stats look like?

3.4 College GPA, hoping to get above a 3.6 for the second semester. And you?

I applied January 5th! GW is one of my top choices so hopefully I’ll get in and get a little money!
my stats:
College GPA: 4.0
Credits: 52 (18 are from AP exams)
HS GPA: definitely not great at all, maybe 3.3 or 3.4 :confused:
hopefully we hear soonish!

Applying for Political Science!

College GPA: 3.68
1st semester: 3.38
2nd semester: 3.72
3rd semester: 4.00

Academic Honors: Chancellor’s List (1x), Dean’s List (2x)

ECs: Volunteer work, Internship with SuperPAC and Senate Campaign, Founder and Chairman of On Campus Political Organization, Exec. Director of State Chapter Political Organization , 30 hour/week part time job.

Letter of Rec:
English professor
Political Science Professor
Senior Executive from SuperPAC and non-profit organization I interned for.

I had friends who got into GW last year with a 3.0, lol, so having a 3.4 isn’t bad at all, as long as you keep an upward trend.

Not to discredit what your friend did, but you also need to take into consideration the school as well as the academic course-load. A 3.0 from tough classes at a reputable school goes farther than a 3.5 at a community college taking fluff work.

My friend went to the top private school in New York, not a college

Also, I do not attend a CC, I am currently attending a top 10 private, liberal arts college

@jttomidn2p2 What other schools did you apply to. It seems with a 4.00 gw would almost be a safety, no?

Are there special math requirements to transfer to GW? Just got denied to a school for not taking Algebra II//Trigonometry/Calculus yet. Didn’t find anything on GW’s website regarding it or the school I was rejected from.

@TransferFall2018 I don’t think so

Great. I have already completed Algebra I and Statistics because I was a Finance major at the time.

Just got this confirmed, no specific course requirements for Political Science majors.

Anyone have ideas on when we could hear back?

probably not soon, I’m just assuming though :((

@TransferFall2018 My cousin applied as a transfer for Fall 2017, she found out on May 5 (accepted). However, if you go on GWU’s reddit you’ll see a lot of people were also getting their acceptances all throughout June. Some guy said he didn’t find out until July. I don’t understand why GW is so late and slow with this process. 99% of students need to commit to something well before mid-june, which is what most people say is expected so far…

I need to know before the end of April