Georgetown Early Action for Fall 2022 Admission

no for real… we’re a scary batch of people

esp if they read the part we dream about them…

Future leaders of America!

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no fr… they’d send us to a psych ward :sob:

hey does anyone know what time decisions will be released?

i think around 4 pm


I’m hoping to have a clairvoyant dream tonight that will reveal key details about the next few days…pray for me

yes i think so

helpppp i literally charged my crystals for this and bought a jade necklace for luck… am i crazy

I saw a cross the other day and started praying :sob: :sob:(I am not a religious person)

me as an atheist but raised catholic pulling up with spanish prayers every night until wednesday

speaking of religion tho…my impression of Georgetown is that they actually do a very good job w/ religious tolerance and stuff even though they are catholic, which I appreciate

they do actually! i had a whole discussion about it with my interviewer. he was jewish and i’m atheist / agnostic so we shared that we don’t really “belong” in the catholic culture. but he explained how there’s religious leaders from every religion on campus practically… imams, buddhist monks, rabbis, etc.

they’re also incredibly good with lgbt and fairly liberal (despite the stereotype).

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:crossed_fingers:tomorrow afternoon!


Haha, not sure what I’ll do if decisions don’t come out then

Keep very, very busy!

Yall need therapy especially Ben

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CollegConfidential is my therapy

I HOPE SO my mom texts me everyday to remind me of decisions hahahha