Georgetown Early Action for Fall 2022 Admission

I have 11 finals to study for so I will be having a study session the whole day with friends hahaha i will go crazy if decisions come out tomorrow

ELEVEN finals?! What the heck, thatā€™s insane

7 APā€™s, 2 Honors, and a college prep class im gonna cry monday when finals week starts

Oh my gosh, thatā€™s a crazy schedule. My school only has like half that number of classes every term haha

i live in the countryside so my school does not have many classes. My school has an online platform for us to have more classes available so thatā€™s how i got the opportunity to take more classes

no I literally was at my friendā€™s house all day studying for french, i was having a whole breakdown hahahha

Lol I have a big unit test on Wednesday that Iā€™ve totally put off studying forā€¦next few days are going to be rough, especially it Georgetown decisions come out tmrw

i got a couple of EA decisions coming out anyday this upcoming week and im so nervous

omg you are going to do amazing on your unit test bestie!

Letā€™s hopeā€¦ itā€™s in my hardest class (AP Chem), but Iā€™m feeling pretty good about the content so weā€™ll see

guys it happenedā€¦ i bad a dream about georgetown. i dreamt that i had gotten the email asking me to login to my portal as there had been an update. in the dream i actually logged in but didnā€™t make it far enough to see the letter.

what time would decisions come if they are today

we THINK at 4 pm?

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I have a test in AP Chem tomorrow and furiously studying is keeping me busy for now, haha

i have exams starting tomorrow so Iā€™m in the same boat

same im using studying for finals to kill the time

while weā€™re trembling in anticipationā€¦ who wants to share stats for funsies??

Which specific stats would you like? I can share on behalf of my daughter.

i have a whole chance me thread if you want my stats in depth :sob:

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So tell!