Georgetown Multicultural Recruitment

<p>I am hispanic and Georgetown is one of my top choices for college next fall, I couldn't help but notice when on their admissions site that they have a multicultural recruitment page and specifically a latino/hispanic recruiter. I was wondering whether anyone thought it would be a good idea to get in contact with him or how he would contact me I'm NRHP scholar as well as an Venture scholar or if I should directly email him. Any advice is appreciated. Thanks,</p>

<p>Definitely drop them a line saying that you’re interested in Gt. Try to think of an interesting question to ask them that isn’t something easily found on their website. Not all schools are on the NHRP and Venture lists, and even if they are, it doesn’t hurt to contact them.</p>

<p>ok I think I will, thanks for the reply entomom!</p>

<p>@entomom should I mention that I am Hispanic in the email? Not sure how I could word that correctly but it is important since I am directly contacting a multicultural recruitment counselor?</p>

<p>You might ask what kind of support they offer for multicultural, diverse, or Hispanic students. I think that’s what my son did (but I can’t really remember-sorry!).</p>

<p>Does Gtown have a fly-in program for minorities?</p>

<p>From the Resources sticky thread:</p>

<p><a href=“[/url]”>;/a&gt;&lt;/p&gt;

<p>Doesn’t show one, but this is from 2 yrs ago, so you should check the website.</p>

<p>I don’t see Georgetown on this list as having a fly-in program. [Center</a> for Student Opportunity - College Partners](<a href=“]Center”> I can’t seem to recall seeing gtown listed in previously years. However your best bet is to contact the Latino recruiter and ask them if they provide fly-in funds or a program. I have found some colleges may not have a “formal” program but do have funds for travel or hosting.</p>

<p>Here is a helpful link for you. [Multicultural</a> Recruitment - Office of Undergraduate Admissions](<a href=“]Multicultural”> Just keep this point in mind that if you do not find an answer here on cc or another website then the best answer is really a university’s multi-cultural recruitment office. Just because a program may not be listed on cc doesn’t mean it doesn’t exist. For example a couple of weeks ago I attended the Pacific Northwest Colleges joint presentation. At least 4 of the 7 schools said they would fund a visit for a student to come to their campuses. Only 1 of those schools is listed on these various websites. Good Luck.</p>

<p>In that same page you can go to this: [Hoya</a> Saxa Weekend](<a href=“]Hoya”>Hoya Saxa Weekend | Center for Multicultural Equity and Access | Georgetown University)
They might provide help…</p>

<p>Good catch Lapagan! I was just looking at pre-acceptance but the weekend you mentioned is a good option after being accepted. By the way the recruiter mentioned on my post is a pretty nice guy. I met him recently and he seems to really want to help students. I would shoot him an email asking about pre-acceptance visits.</p>

<p>Thanks, everyone, for the help. Gtown is ds’s no. 1 right now, but we can’t afford a visit. He recently spent nine days at a camp at American in DC, but there was no time available to see the other schools in the area. He did get to drive by it!</p>

<p>yeah the latino recruiter is apparently the same rep for my school, so he’ll be reading my app so I’ll definitely drop him an email. Thanks for all the help guys the Hoya Saxa weekend looks pretty cool!</p>