Georgetown SFS Essay brainstorming?

Hi all, I am an applicant to the Georgetown class of 2020 and I am currently thinking about topics to write about for the School of Foreign Service essay. The prompt is as follows:

Briefly discuss a current global issue, indicating why you consider it important and what you suggest should be done to deal with it.

This is a one page (500-600 word limit) paper, and for some reason, I’m having trouble finding an issue and sticking with it. I am writing from the perspective of a white middle class girl, so I don’t want to encroach on any topics where I would feel under-qualified. So far, I have a list of possible topic ideas. Any advice or criticism would help! Thanks in advance.

-Greek Financial Crisis (I am Greek and I really considered doing this one, but the issues are far too expansive to include in a one page paper, and frankly, I don’t have a good enough solution for the problem.)
-Persistent Islamophobia in the Western World
-Malthusian Theory within the confines of developing nations
-Lack of proper healthcare/education (especially care for women) within developing countries, leading to an endless circle of poverty and reproduction within it
-European Imperialists of the 18th, 19th, and 20th centuries and how border conflicts in Africa have arisen because of territories drawn out by the Europeans

Please help me out!
