Georgia Tech Early Action for Fall 2023 Admission

For OOS EA? Likely would arrive too late to be considered.

Our mid terms are ready now - our semester ended in December. I’m 99.9% certain we have to initiate and also pay for transcripts to be sent ourselves.

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Anyone from FL sending kid to GT ? We are also awaiting EA but not sure if the cost is going to be worth it compared to UF and FSU.


Has anyone’s application status changed in OSCAR? Mine still says “No Decision Has Been Made.”

It won’t change until the day of and they will close that link down before it does. On the day of decision release you will not be able to access that through Oscar until after decisions are released.

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Waiting “somewhat” patiently here in VA! LOL!


GT doesn’t consider “interest” in the application process so unless it was something significant that would strengthen app I wouldn’t bother. Even with that there is good chance they won’t see it as they might have already reviewed the app.

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S20 is at GT. His freshman roommate was from FL. I think he was NM winner type. If money isn’t an issue and your kid loves CS or engineering it’s a tough call. That said, Florida makes it just about impossible to leave Florida with the low cost of tuition.

We’re from PA. Our publics are expensive so the cost delta wasn’t crazy plus he’ll graduate in 6 semesters (hopefully) which is doable with AP credits and a summer class or two. Add an internship and a co-op and it’s been a great experience. Other son is at FSU and loves it. Great campus and happy kids it seems. Honors program is very good. If our in-state options were as cheap as FL it would’ve been an interesting conversation. Good luck.


Anyone know if CSS Profile needs to be submitted for GA Tech anytime soon? Or is it only after receiving a confirmed admission?

Do we know when we will know the Early action results for out of state applicants?

I think I’ve seen guesses of Jan 28th for OOS decisions.


We’ve submitted ours
 but I did all that with the FAFSA at the same time for all his applications. Wanted to be certain all paperwork was in just in case it was used for Merit Scholarship consideration.

When do Stamps decisions generally come out? Do they only inform semifinalists of their decision or are all EA2 applicants notified?

Decisions according to my admitted kids portal are Jan 24 for semifinalist status. Not sure if that is just for kids admitted EA1 or EA1 and 2.

I know a couple of EA2 kids from last year who were notified of semi finalist status in mid-January. The notification is, of course, an advance indication of acceptance.


Reading through a couple of forums parents indicated gender ratio imbalance. Any thoughts on this?

It’s a concern. Most tech-heavy schools aren’t balanced, some far worse than others. But even the ones that have more equal ratios tend to have women concentrated more heavily in just a few of the majors. My D is prospective EE, so it is something Iook at for sure.

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It is actually more gender balanced than UGA interestingly, at least in the first year class (transfers may impact this) and Georgia Tech is strongly focused on increasing the number of female students. Georgia Tech does consider gender in the application process (UGA does not), and I have read females are admitted at a 1.5 x higher rate than males.


GT just released total applications received, a little over 52,000. This means that that the overall increase was less than 5 percent, even though early was up 15 to 20 percent. Dean J recently reported a similar trend for UVA this year (though not final because deadline just passed) — smaller increase in overall apps, but more students applying early. Hopefully this is good news for those of us still waiting for decisions as pool doesn’t seem quite as crazy as EA numbers suggested. We are waiting for EA decisions for both.


We are too- our kids prob applied to the same schools lol!

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