Georgia Tech Early Action for Fall 2023 Admission

Nope they do not. We are paying full freight as the majority of OOS students.

Looks like around June 22 on the calendar. It is late start summer only for freshmen.

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I know the REPP pathway is open to all, but first generation and conditional transfer do in fact need to be offered by admissions. If you read the website closely it says “may be given the opportunity”. Other places it says “may be offered”. Not sure about Veterans but the first two are most common. That being said, two years ago they extended 8,000 pathway transfers so I think they are generously extended if you qualify.

There are obviously other ways to transfer as well.


Anyone with results yesterday applied to Scheller (Business) program?

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Child OOS rejected. But accepted Michigan COE today so it didn’t sting so much. Has a 3.8UW but a competitive private school. 36 ACT. 3 season athlete and mix of other EC’s but nothing crazy like research or national awards. Very well rounded, no hooks so wasn’t sure how it would all turn out. Kid happy, so I’m happy. For reference rejected Purdue and accepted UIUC, Boulder.


To add to @VirginiaBelle 's excellent post about determining “fit”, your student can learn a lot from the admitted students social media groups. Two years ago that was typically Instagram and Discord. That was extremely helpful for my D in making her college decision; she gravitated to some groups more than others.

Congratulations to your D, @CompE ! (I accidentally replied to Virginia.)

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@VirginiaBelle : My DS got deferred yesterday in EA2. You seem to know a lot of info regarding GT and willing to help out by sharing stats. Just wondering whether you have any advise on what things we can do to improve chances


My knowledge comes from our experience – two admitted GT students and one deferred and then ultimately waitlisted. Although his deferral statement didn’t get the job done, I do think that the following principles are helpful. I would encourage you to look at Rick Clark’s admissions blog about deferrals. He gives lots of good advice. Also read the GT website about deferrals. It is likely linked in your child’s decision letter. They will accept a deferral statement, so spend some time on that. I think it’s really important for Georgia Tech to see not only what you have accomplished in the time since you have submitted your application (like awards/activities etc), but how you will contribute to the campus community. They definitely want people who will be involved, and help fulfill their mission statement of progress and service. They also want people who will be the right fit for Georgia Tech, so if you can have that came across I believe it’s helpful.

That being said, go into this process with a realistic outlook. My deferred kid was a strong candidate but that admission test optional year was very unpredictable at Georgia Tech. The Georgia Tech website under deferral also gives a good bit of information about next steps. It mentions that deferred applicants have a 20% acceptance rate, so I think it’s also helpful to adjust your expectations a little. Being deferred means that your kid is a really strong candidate and is still in the hunt! If you can opt into alternative programs like first year semester abroad and summer start and your kid is willing to do so, do it. Supposedly they do increase chances.


Son offered arts and science transfer pathway. Is this different than rejection or is this offered to everyone not deferred or accepted?

It is not offered to everyone who is rejected, but to academically qualified applicants. It is a secure path into Georgia Tech into that college if you complete the required steps. I have heard that if you transfer in using the arts and sciences pathway that you cannot change your major to something not in those colleges. In other words, you can’t transfer in as a chemistry major using that pathway and then try to change your major to engineering. I’m not sure whether that’s accurate or not because I have not read it anywhere official but something to clarify/consider.


Thank you that is very helpful and makes us feel a bit better! We knew being OOS was a long shot for him but definitely something to consider!

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S20 admitted to CS, OOS
ACT 36, SAT 1550
Lots of AP’s, IB Program
CS and Honors at UMD, Data Science at Purdue, Deferred at UMich, Denied at UIUC.
For the record, He had the offer link on financial aid.

My son was offered this and was curious about it as well.

Thank you for the info

deferred OOS. if we select interested in summer start on the RD update form and are admitted under summer ignite program does that mean we attend in the summer and spring and not at all in the fall? or can you still attend fall in addition to the summer early start?

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Summer start question?
if we select interested in summer start on the RD update form and are admitted under summer ignite program does that mean we attend in the summer and spring and not at all in the fall? or can you still attend fall in addition to the summer early start?

Summer start is just an earlier start date. The students attend in the fall and from then on as usual.

My D has a friend who opted in to the summer Ignite program two years ago. She really enjoyed easing her way into college and having a less hectic time to figure out the campus and start to make connections.

ETA: The friend also commented that classes were smaller so she chose to take a GenEd she thought may be a bit difficult for her in a large lecture hall.

Son deferred OOS (ACT 35, 3.95 UW, school has no AP) here trying to figure out how to best fill out the DSF. Looked into GT academic calendar and it seems that summer session starts mid May? Son’s high school’s last day this spring is 5/23 and graduation is not until 6/3. In that case, he can’t really select summer start, right?

GT has two short summer sessions. The late session is the one for entering freshmen / Ignite. It starts June 21. Hope this helps!

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If you haven’t had anything new since the application, should you leave the update box empty? I mean what would one write there?