Georgia Tech Early Action for Fall 2023 Admission

There was a you tube video explaining the transfer process. It’s guaranteed admission if you meet the minimum requirements after a year at another university. I guess it’s better than a no (for his ego at least :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:)

do you know when move in is for that? my sons graduation is june 20th

Thanks so much! That’s doable if we move vacation plans around a bit. Interestingly, the posting for “Ignite” has an application date of 5/1. Does that mean sometimes fall admits also decide to start in the summer? How many classes can one take in the summer session since it’s shorter?

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Yes, fall admits can opt to switch to Ignite. That was the case with my D’s friend. I assume that is why the application deadline is May 1.

Per the link I included in my post above…


Most courses for iGniTe are included in the core curriculum. Students enrolled in iGniTe Summer Launch Program will take 6-7 credits of core, major, or elective courses, including a 1-credit GT 1000 course in 5 weeks of instructional time. Students should consult the GT degree programs on what will work best for their intended major.

I suggest contacting Admissions with this question. The dates on the link I included above only state “mid-June”.

Mid-June, 2023 – Move in day (for those living on campus)

June 21, 2023 – first day of iGniTe classes

ETA: Maybe you can plan an early graduation party for your son then head to the airport or get on the road right after graduation on June 20? :grinning: :crazy_face: :grinning: :crazy_face:

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Actually conditional transfer is not. DD first was deferred in EA, then waitlisted and then accepted. She was quite upset originally that they did not take her and did not specifically mention conditional transfer in any letter (I have two degrees from GaTech and she had very high credentials, but 20 students applied from her HS technical magnet…) Upon reaching admissions they told us that everyone who applied and was not accepted and has immediate family as Ga Tech alumni automatically qualify to use conditional transfer.

You many also reach to admissions and explore start as study abroad. I do not know how it works, but I know they did something like that last year to expand freshman class.

DD was accepted in Michigan and Carnegie Mellon but waitlisted at GaTech (she made it), she was also rejected to Boston University… It is not about a student, it is who the school needs based on their application/acceptance pool (majors, geography, minorities, musicians for the band, LGBTQ etc.) Schools all want to be well-rounded…


D23 was rejected oos but offered Arts and Science pathway. She applied to psychology, which we only learned last night is a surprisingly small program at GT, although I know they don’t admit by major. Anyway, she has a very strong profile as a social sciences major but I am thinking that is an atypical profile for GT and maybe why she wasn’t admitted outright. Are other Arts and sciences pathway kids similarly situated?

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Yes those are the qualifications, but the pathway must be offered by admissions. The reason your daughter was not offered one was because she was accepted off the waitlist. Had she not been accepted off the waitlist, she would’ve been offered a conditional transfer pathway. They offered 8000 transfer pathways two years ago to almost a quarter of the unaccepted application pool. My understanding is that they are offered to all who meet the qualifications. You cannot, however, decide to apply under a pathway if you have not been offered one by the office of admissions.

Those are some great options :+1: Once you get to a certain level of program quality, it is so much more about fit for your student. Congrats to your D on her awesome acceptances… file rejections where they belong :put_litter_in_its_place:

thank you

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Sorry, but this is not what the admins said. However, since we did not get there I cannot support my argument :slight_smile:

My D23 got in Scheller yesterday. Did yours?

I got deferred CS - 1550+ SAT, 3.9+ GPA, 15+ APs and a few olympiad awards/research/humanities ECs. Kept vague to avoid dox

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stats please?

Can I ask you why GaTech OOS Psychology? Ga Tech’s strength is engineering and CS. Maybe applied sciences like Math, Physics etc. I understand why people go instate (reputable school, instate tuition), but it doesn’t make sense to me to go to Tech for Psychology and pay $50k per year. :thinking: I think there are ton of better schools to go for Psychology. Am I missing something?

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Yes psychology is extraordinarily small. A friend’s son did the same thing and was also rejected. In-state, strong candidate, lots of leadership, top of class. I think it’s a common choice for people that are trying to “back door“ their way into Georgia Tech. Doesn’t sound like this was your daughter, but it may well have been him :-). I think I remember the mom saying psychology is like 25 freshmen.


Where do you find the admitted students social media groups.

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@VirginiaBelle does your son know?

My D figured that kind of stuff out two years ago (too GenZ for me haha); although, there were a couple times I saw something on CC and let her know about it. :grinning:

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