GeorgiaTech Class of 2026 Waitlist

Congratulations . Good luck for your son at GTech .

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If it wasn’t for the enrollment that means they will use the waitlist heavily, but as you can see only one got off and he wasn’t even in the main campus which implies that they are filled with students

the admission team should notify us tho

Last year they even specified the current percentage of students depositing

I still can’t believe the fact that in previous years Georgia Tech never over enrolled,
But this year suddenly a jump of 150 students over target suddenly happened. What could be the reason known that gap year students already started the last fall

They made more offers this year than last year, and their yield was higher. Yield is always a guessing game. Plus they got 11% more applications. Georgia Tech is on an upward trajectory with their reputation and now that it is a top-five computer science program for undergraduates it is going to attract even more applications I predict. Simple fact is that it gets harder to get in every year.

I recall reading somewhere that Georgia Tech yields at about 70% for in-state kids and around 40% for out-of-state kids. If they’re over enrolled, predicted yield is up.


Last year around this time they started releasing decisions. I Wish everyone good news !


My son committed last weekend and he has already received 2 emails (last one today) offering him a study abroad spot in either Lorraine or Oxford.
So it seems there are still available spots abroad that they are trying to fill either converting some of the main campus-bound kids or through the waitlist.


Nice, that implies they haven’t started taking off students from the current waitlist

Does everybody waitlisted eventually receive a decision from gtadmission or one can assume that they have been denied incase of no correspondence or offer in their email (say by May 15th)

You will get an email when they close the waitlist. That may not be for another month or more even if they don’t take anyone. Last year they pulled off the waitlist for several weeks in a row, about 50 people each time, although there were a couple higher than that. They also continue to send out inquiries via email to confirm interest in the waitlist. Then after the last pull it was another several weeks before the email that the waitlist was closed went out.

I think an assumption of being denied is safe as the admit rate off the waitlist is so low every year and may be nonexistent this year - except for offers to first year abroad which is apparently not full. There are only 100 spots in that program and most are taken. Deposit deadline is Monday so maybe a few more abroad offers next week to fill up the programs if needed. My Georgia Tech kid is home and we were talking about those options last night. Apparently two hard requirements are that you have to be 18 and you have to have taken at least thru calculus 1 (and perhaps have credit for it?). Both programs start in the summer.

If you somehow end up being one of the lucky few that gets pulled, if anyone does this year, then it is a happy accident and you can pivot at that point if you want to. Otherwise, make plans to go to the college to which you are committed, find a roommate if wanted, research dorms, buy the swag, take a tour in person or online, and get excited :slight_smile:


Also I think it may have been in July when the waitlist closed last year. They hadn’t taken anyone for weeks

The Calculus requirement was only for GTL, not Oxford. And it appears they may have softened the requirement for GTL (presumably to get more applicants).

Do you have to opt in for the early start in summer (this was one of the questions when accepting the waitlist) to be offered the international study abroad program ??

Application cycle : EA
Residency : OOS
Major : computer science
Secondary Major (if applicable) :
Optional - Gender : male

There were two separate opt-in choices on the waitlist response form. One for summer start and another for FYSA.

We have made the deposit at University of Rochester for CS while we still hope and wait for gt to open its arms. Worst case will explore the transfer option in the fall of 2023.

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It is not required that you checked off on your application that you were willing to do the first semester travel abroad program to be accepted. My son did not check this off on his application. I just double checked to make sure I was giving you accurate information. If GT is your first choice and this is something you really want, I do suggest you email admissions and tell them you would accept this opportunity if offered. We have done a lot of research and it really looks like an outstanding program. My son very happily committed yesterday and is very excited about this once in a lifetime opportunity. There is a ton of travel involved and the classes have required planned trips that pertain to what is being taught in class. They have Fridays off so that they can have 3 day weekends for travel. There is a one week break where they travel as well. Please let me know if any questions. I’m truly wishing the very best for everyone.


I hope that we be notified of our chances of getting off, gt is my dream school and I don’t want to feel attached ):
A tweet saying that they reached their goal like last year is enough to kill my hopes and make move on

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Have someone tried to contact them about waitlist decisions?

Looks like MIT , CMU are releasing waitlist results only this week . We will get to know only next week .