GeorgiaTech Class of 2026 Waitlist

Heartiest congratulations! What major?

Some comments about semester abroad have been posted up-thread by @VirginiaBelle.

Best wishes, and keep us posted on the decision.

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Thank you so much! Engineering.

In case you haven’t seen this page

Also, I think this question will be on many people’s mind:
How did GT communicate this? Email? Phone-call? Text?

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Anyone else received something?

I think this is going to be a 1-2% waitlist acceptance year

By Monday that would be 4 days?

I thought they only give 2 days to decide

Yeah looks like it

I can’t answer for this year, but my D21 received multiple communications by email last year. She requested more information based on those emails.

Ultimately ended up at another college but was extremely interested in this opportunity had she attended Tech. Granted, she was not in engineering or CS
 CAS-chem with pre-med intention plus fairly fluent in French and a self-described Francophile. So I realize her specific interests would not apply to everyone.

Personally, I loved the idea of the Lorraine campus. But the logistics may not appeal to everyone.

Thanks for sharing your experience @DramaMama2021. That’s helpful.

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2 business days. Friday and Monday.

The GT Lorraine program is a fantastic one. It is something that has been offered for years and it’s located in Metz France. It is offered year-round fall spring and summer. It is a lot of students in their second years including summer before and summer after), but also graduate students. My oldest applied to go summer of 2020 and couldn’t make it work after that because they didn’t offer the classes that he needed. Don’t know what course offerings they have for first year students, but courses should be published for fall so you could see if they appeal. The first year abroad program was new last year so not a ton of information about it out there. My understanding is when the students return to campus, they will be placed in a vacant dorm room. Not sure if this would include upper class dorms or just freshman dorms where there are vacancies due to attrition.

As far as the program itself, there are some additional expenses associated with it. You don’t mention if you are in state or out of state? In-state tuition would be covered by Zell Miller. There is a quite hefty program fee along with a required Eurail pass along with a travel budget. The program is designed so you are in class for four days and travel for three. It is really a once in a lifetime opportunity! There is no included dining hall so meals can get expensive as well. I think the biggest pro is that you are in Georgia Tech, so if this is your dream it’s a lot easier than transferring in. The con is it’s expensive and depending on classes offered may put you behind in getting required prerequisite classes (Not sure if they offer the intro math, physics, computer science classes? When we looked at it it was mostly electives). The other con is you are not starting out in Atlanta with the other 3500+ freshman whi are looking to meet people and make friends, and are instead arriving at the party after many have formed their groups. You will of course be fast friends with the people you have traveled across Europe with so that should help!

I think it’s completely dependent on your child and how strongly they want to go to Georgia Tech. I asked my Junior in HS about it a couple of days ago and whether he would consider it, and his gut reaction was no. Reasoning was that he felt like first semester of college was really important time to be on campus and meeting people, and he was afraid of joining in January and being plopped into a dorm where he knows no one. Of course if Georgia Tech becomes his first choice, he may reconsider. It’s one thing to have that perspective when you think you might get in, and another thing when you’re sitting on the waitlist not thrilled with where you’re headed.

One more thing to consider is rush. Rush for fraternities and sororities happens in the fall. All fraternities also rush in the spring but sororities do not. So if that is an important thing it is worth considering.


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Thanks again @VirginiaBelle. Very helpful.

That’s exactly how my D feels. She did check the box saying she’d consider it because she wasn’t completely opposed to it - but it’s definitely her least preferred option.

Thank you so much for this great information! He is very happy and excited about this opportunity. I am pretty sure we will be accepting. We are out of state. I am so amazed at how everyone is so willing to offer wonderful advice and support on this forum. Very much appreciative of your time. Thank you!

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Just in case you didn’t see it, the FYSA program is having some Q&A sessions coming up:

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Great news! I would definitely try and join the zoom link mentioned. The info I have is based on older students accepted to GTL and how that worked. I don’t know if freshmen first semester operates the same - or whether they are separated into a freshman cohort with more organized travel.

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Great question! All three. They sent an email but also texted him to check his email and then about 15 minutes later a phone call in which they explained how the program works. They did say that when the 50 students return to GT in January they will be placed together in same dorm and have programs to help acclimate them to campus quickly. They also attend GT a few weeks this summer to learn about the program and campus and then have about 2 weeks at home before heading to France.


Georgia Tech Lorraine is truly an amazing opportunity. The program and setting itself are superb, but the weekly travel to other cities/countries is the pinnacle. The student wouldn’t be dropped into campus alone upon their return in January, because they’d have an established group of friends. Frats and sororities at Georgia Tech are a wonderful option because they offer strong academic and social support, but both frats and sororities offer acceptance after first year rush. If one wishes to join Greek life in the second year, that extra time would also allow them to become more familiar with the various houses so they could better focus on which Greeks they’d like to join (assuming this is the way they’d like to go). Another huge plus for doing a study abroad like GTL so early in is that it allows for more time to take another study abroad program later on (it’s not uncommon for GT students to take multiple study abroad programs, and some, like the Pacific Program (New Zealand, Australia/island) are hugely popular). Yet another plus is that completing GTL early on leaves more time open for things like co-ops, internships, and research — all of which are extremely popular at GT.


This is very helpful. Thank you very much.

I believe the press release was on March 29th, more than a month ago and the tweet is updating that class size to around 3750 because it does not refer to enrollment.

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Thank you Aryan for the update. As of now we have heard of only one intake from the waitlist and that too for Loraine. Congratulations @ChefPal22.

Let’s keep our fingers crossed till we hear either ways from gtadmission team. In the meanwhile work hard to ace the freshman year and look to transfer next fall if it doesn’t work out this year.


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