GeorgiaTech Class of 2026 Waitlist

Hello all

This is a thread for all Class of 2026 applicants who were waitlisted at GeorgiaTech.
Use this space to share information and support each other.

Good luck everyone!


For starters, please provide some background details. This will be helpful to future year applicants as well.

Application cycle: (EA deferred/RD)
Residency: (in-state/OOS/Intl)
Secondary Major (if applicable):
Optional - Gender:
Optional - Hooks:

Any other profile information you wish to provide.

For my D22:

Application cycle : EA deferred
Residency : OOS - NJ
Major : Computer Science
Secondary Major (if applicable) : Computer Engineering
Optional - Gender : Female
Optional - Hooks : None

Thanks for starting the thread. My son’s details are below:

Application cycle : EA deferred
Residency : OOS - TX
Major : Computer Science
Secondary Major (if applicable) : Computer Engineering
Optional - Gender : Male
Optional - Hooks : None

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We just uploaded DS LOCi and accepted the waitlist spot. We are moving forward with other options in the meantime. Next week’s Ivy results will probably be unceremonious given DS is breaking waitlist records already. This appears to be the year of the waitlist.


Application cycle : EA deferred
Residency : Intl
Major : Computer Science
Secondary Major (if applicable) : Computer Engineering
Optional - Gender : Male
Optional - Hooks : None

Already withdrew. Already dealt with defer mess I’m not dealing with waitlist BS.

Looks like I’ll be going to UIUC.


Yes it definitely seems like that :roll_eyes:


Totally understand.

Anyway, UIUC is a great school so no loss. You’ll do great!

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Thank you! I’m very happy to end up with UIUC.


For my S22:

Application cycle : EA deferred
Residency : OOS - WA
Major : Computer Science
Secondary Major (if applicable) : NA
Optional - Gender : Male
Optional - Hooks : None

Application cycle : EA deferred
Residency : OOS - NY
Major : Computer Engineering
Secondary Major (if applicable) : Business Administration
Optional - Gender : Male
Optional - Hooks : None

Application cycle : EA deferred
Residency : OOS - NJ
Major : Computer Science
Secondary Major (if applicable) : Computer Engineering
Optional - Gender : Male
Optional - Hooks : None

Looks like a lot of CS and CE applicants got waitlisted. That’s as expected, I guess.

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Indeed. I realize GT admits at university level and not by major, but I have to believe major plays a role at some point to “shape” the class. DS stayed true to his intent and didn’t try to opt for a different major just to get in. Though with GT that is a viable strategy. DS issue was that his entire HS ECs and resume are effectively CS dominant. Hence he wouldn’t get much of a look if majoring in Mechanical Engineering for example unless he could draw a viable connection.

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For my S22:

Application cycle : EA deferred
Residency : OOS - CA
Major : Computer Science
Secondary Major (if applicable) : Not sure
Optional - Gender : Male
Optional - Hooks : None

Agree completely. Georgia Tech admissions is wise to the gaming of the system, so if you have a kid whose extracurricular activities and awards and classwork all center around computer science, they will likely see through it if you apply as a different major. Of course, if you don’t put all that stuff on your application you have less of a chance of getting in. Double edge sword.


Application cycle: EA deferred
Residency: (OOS)
Major: Biomedical Engineering
Secondary Major (if applicable):
Optional - Gender: Female
Optional - Hooks: None

Hmm. I was under the impression that they did admit by major and that it was hard to switch majors later. At least, that’s what my D said her GC told her last fall. Or maybe I/she misunderstood.

Easy to switch. My daughter switched first semester without a problem. Not sure about admissions.


For my S22:

Application cycle : RD
Residency : OOS - TX
Major : Computer Science
Secondary Major (if applicable) : Not sure
Optional - Gender : Male
Optional - Hooks : None