GES 255 Engg. Statistics

<p>Anyone have experience with this class yet? The reviews on RateMyProfessor are scary…just wondering how accurate the reviews are.</p>

<p>Just curious, what major will this class be req for?</p>

<p>Computer Science…in our case. :)</p>

<p>Can he not take the ST450?</p>

<p>He has to have Jr or Sr classification to take ST 450…so he is deciding between taking GES 255 in the fall 2013 or wait a year to take ST 450 the following fall. It messes things up a bit if he pushes it off to Fall 2014.</p>

<p>I thought he came in with a lot of credits. How many credits will he have at the end of this semester?</p>

<p>Well, the problem is that ST450 (and GES 255) are only offered in the fall. He didn’t come in with many credits - he has sophomore classification.</p>

<p>darn. He won’t have at least 61 credits at the end of this semester?
Is it possible for him to get approval to take the class without junior standing?</p>

<p>I’ll suggest that to son. There are only 3 spots left…I’m sure that will fill quickly. Did your son take ST450 (or taking it in the fall?)</p>

<p>taking ST 450 in the fall. I sent you a PM</p>

<p>He can possibly get an override into ST 450. Have him email Heather Davis in the statistics department and an override. I took ST 450/550 this past fall and very highly recommend Dr. Melnykov as a professor.</p>

<p>Because of this thread and a suggestion from Vlines, CS son changed his GES255 course to ST450 but still not sure why (he could take either to satisfy his requirement.) Is it because ST450 has the better teacher, or is the course more interesting?</p>



<p>kjcphmom, the answer is behind door #3 - because the good people of CC told him so. What better reason could there be than that?</p>

<p>GES255 is brutal and the teacher every bit as awful as his ratings indicate. ST450 is a good option.</p>

<p>Class2012Mom, AL34 and Vlines, you all are the “wizards”. Glad my son is listening. Thanks for the advice.</p>

<p>Seems like every major has one of those classes. Son had a brutal one last spring, and we recently met a local alum from 15 years ago who still remembers that same class with dread. I guess everyone’s got their version of organic chemistry.</p>

<p>Seatide, I see that you put ST 450/550. I see that a number of the upper level CS classes are at the same time/prof for the 400/500 level. How does that work, exactly? How do they differentiate for the different level classes?</p>

<p>Curious about this, too, as son will be choosing electives next year, and some are offered as 400 and some as 500, but it’s the same time and professor, so what’s the difference between the two designations?</p>

<p>Don’t mean to derail the thread with this, but just curious about this and was glad to see the point brought up here.</p>

<p>Many courses are cross-listed at the 400/500 level. They are the exact same course with the exception that the 500-level students will have some form of additional homework, special project, or slightly harder grading scale. This extra requirement is very minimal in most cases. </p>

<p>I’m taking a construction engineering course right now for fun and am really enjoying it. I could’ve taken it as either a 400 or 500-level course, but decided to take it as a 400-level one.</p>

<p>Thanks sea_tide. Were you able to take any 500 level classes before you applied to University Scholars? If so, what was the process to do that?</p>