Get All Your ED Questions Answered! Exclusive ASK ME ANYTHING w/ NYU on Thu, Oct 20 5-6pm ET

@magali, thanks for your question!

Consideration for financial aid is almost entirely need-based, and is not impacted by the admissions deadline you apply for. An ED admit will get the same financial aid considerations as an RD admit.

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@Talii, thank you for your question! It is very much possible to finish an NYU degree in three years but this will depend on what you are studying anf the specific requirements along with whether you take classes in the winter or summer plus how many credits you are able to transfer. Good luck!

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Are there any factors affecting such types of internal transfers between nyu schools ?

@HazelEnvirons, thanks for being here!

Yes, it’s possible that a student might be admitted to an alternate choice that they listed on the application. Students are only admitted to alternate choices once it has been determined that they are not admitted to their first choice program. If a student is admitted to anything other than their first choice campus or program, the ED decision is no longer binding. However, the student will still have to let us know within a week or two whether they intend to accept our offer- so it’s still an accelerated timeline for the admissions decision. But the student would be able to decline the offer if they wanted to.


Hi Ivan,

What if I am not a transfer student? Would I still be able to finish the degree in three years by taking more classes?

@Diadd, hanks for your question!

We have a few cross school minors at Wagner. For example, I am currently minoring in Social and Public Policy that is housed at Wagner while double majoring in Politics and Spanish. As Kennedy mentioned, you are able to do research with a professor from outside of your major department.

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@Talii, transfer credits can be AP scores, IB scores, or previous coursework. You would most likely be able to finish your degree if you decided to take more classes but we have a limit on the amount of credits that can be taken in any given semester

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Does NYU accept dual enrollment credits?

@Kerri_Smith, thanks for being here!

Our Early Decision policy (on our website) says you may request to be released from the Early Decision agreement if you are awarded a financial aid package that does not meet enough of your financial need to allow you to attend. Our Office of Financial Aid has a calculator on its website that can help you get a sense of how much aid you might receive.

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@Dhruv_Malhotra, hank you for your question. I am not quite sure if I understand the question, would you be able to clarify?

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Would taking Advanced Level (Cambridge) exams give me any credits that I can transfer?

Hello from Hanoi, Vietnam! My name is Nhat (Thomas) Ngo, and I plan to apply Early Decision to Stern’s Business & Political Economy (BPE) program.

  1. How much does Early Decision increase the probability of a student who applies to NYU Stern?
  2. How popular is Stern’s Business & Political Economy (BPE) program? Is there a different acceptance rate to the different business programs at Stern, and if so, what is the acceptance rate for Stern’s BPE program?

@Kerri_Smith, thank you so much for your question! ED decisions are binding with the exception of a financial package not working with one’s budget. Thus, you are able to decline with no penalty. We have a net price calculator that can be found here online. Good luck!

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Since you said that transferring from one nyu school to the other is not guaranteed, I wanted to know if there were some factors behind the rejection of some student’s desire to switch their major much before their first year ends?

@Zunaira_Ahmad, thanks for your question!

When you apply to a major that requires an audition or portfolio, your application is reviewed by both the department you applied to and by the Office of Undergraduate Admissions. The department reviews the artistic component and provides feedback to the Office of Undergrad Admissions, which in turn contextualizes the Common Application review with that artistic feedback. If you are denied to your first choice program, it is possible that you will be considered for an alternative choice that you indicated on the Common Application, but it is not guaranteed. Most students are primarily considered for their first choice major.


Hey agarcix,

For the most part, if they are taken to fulfull requirements in high school then we view them as high school credits compared to transfer credits.

All the best,

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Hello from Hanoi, Vietnam! My name is Nhat (Thomas) Ngo, and I plan to apply Early Decision to Stern’s Business & Political Economy program.

  1. What are some typical red flags on the students’ applications to Stern’s admissions officers?
  2. What are NYU admissions officers looking for from students in this year’s new supplemental essay?

@hanquinlan, NYU prioritizes the academic portion of the application. Although we do review every component, the transcript and optional testing is by far the most important section. We understand that COVID-19 has impacted students’ lives in various ways, from your academic experience to the extracurriculars you were able to participate in, and keep that context in mind when reviewing applications. If you want to give more context to you particular circumstances, you can do so in the Additional Information Section of the Common Application.

same question

@ben_martin1, thank you so much for your question! At NYU we do not offer rolling admissions which means that as lone as one applies by the deadline, their application will be evaluated just the same. We are test optional this year one does not have to submit scores if they do not desire to. We accept an array of tests scores as 3 AP scores, SAT scores, ACT scores, and more. Good luck!