Getting in to Wharton Early Decision

<p>What is necessary (extra-curriculars) for a non-URM, non-legacy, non-athlete student with an ACT score of 31 to get into wharton? Let's assume that everything else (GPA, recs, course selection, etc..) is excellent. Is it possible?</p>

<p>do_it- I know I'm in no way perfect on all this stuff. Hopefully, they'll just see that I'm genuine. I work as hard as I possible can, and I've given everything I've got to student government to make it better. My resume doesn't really show how hard of a worker I am.... I'm not a genius, and when I get a B, I don't get too upset because I know I've given it EVERYTHING I've got and there was nothing more I can do. So... what I'm saying is no matter what- if I get in or not (although I really wanna get in!)- I know I've tried my hardest and couldn't have done any better! Wow this sounds way too serious, but I think ya'll will get what I mean. Oh... sorry I used ya'll-- can't help it!</p>

What is necessary (extra-curriculars) for a non-URM, non-legacy, non-athlete student with an ACT score of 31 to get into wharton? Let's assume that everything else (GPA, recs, course selection, etc..) is excellent. Is it possible?


<p>Good business ECs.</p>

<p>Great attitude Shreveport87. One thing for sure is that your positive attitude will take you many great places in life, not what school you attend.</p>

<p>ok ?</p>

<p>wait... so i got a 690 on my Math SAT II. i have a 2180 overall on my SAT I, and a 780 on my SAT II literature, and also have a 800 on the Chinese SAT. i do have a lot of clubs, but only two leadership positions. i'm going to be traveling around this summer because i'm going for the international business road. my GPA is like a 3.89, so... are my chances going to be basically ruined because of the low SAT Math II??
btw im pretty ok at writing so my college essay should be not bad. and i really want to go so im applying early decision</p>

<p>Alright, what do you think my chances are for ED at Wharton?
I’m from Plano Senior High School in Plano, TX.
GPA” 4.27 with APs
Class Rank: 37 out of 1376<br>
Precentile: 2.68 %
SAT: 2200, math: 800 reading: 720 writing: 680
SAT IIs: Math II 800, Chinese 800, Physics 750, Chemistry 730
ACT: 35 without writing, 34 with writing.
AP Classes by graduation: Geography, Statistics, US History, English language, Art History, Physics, Chemistry, English literature, Calc BC, Macro and Micro Economics.
Schedual for Senior Year:
AP Physics
AP Chemistry
AP Calculus BC
AP English Literature
Student Government (Student Congress)
AP Macro/Micro Economics</p>

<p>Leadership Positions</p>

<p>Plano senior High School
Student Congress (11-12)
Executive Board (11-12)
Superintendent’s advisory committee member (11-12)
2nd Vice president of Community Service (11)
2nd Vice president of Health and Safety
Race for the Cure team coordinator (11-12)
National Youth Leadership Conference attendee (11)
Texas Association of Student Council state conference delegate (11)
Multicultural society (11)
President (11)
American Legion Texas Boys State (11)
Precinct Chairman
Attorney and Counselor at Law
County Party Convention Delegate
County Party Convention Delegate
National Party Convention Delegate</p>

<p>Jasper High School
Student Congress (9, 10)
Vice-President (10)
Texas Association of Student Council state conference delegate(10)
French Club
Vice President (10)
Math Club
Public Correspondence officer (10)</p>

National Forensic League Merit
National Honors Society (10-11-12)
National French Honors Society (10)
National French Exam 9th place (9)
Fete Francais Pro Reading 3rd place (9)
Fete Francais Poster competition 2nd place (9)
Perfect Attendance (2002-2007)</p>

<p>Community service & projects
Plano Senior High Annual Blood Drive Coordinator (biggest in the nation) (12)
Participant- Race for the Cure (11-12)
Adopt a Child for Christmas(11)
Very Special Arts Festival Booths Coordinator (11)
Cookies for Firemen (11)
Earth Day Feeder School Project (11)
Valentine for Senior Citizens (11)
Stay Day Cookies Booth (11)
Stay Day Bungee-run Booth (11)
Volunteer- Greek Food Festival (11)
Plano Balloon Festival Chase Crew (10)
Shepton Debate tournament judging (10)
Volunteer- Schimelpfenig library book nights (10)
Heritage Manor Christmas caroling (10)
Volunteer- Creekside Alzheimer's special care center (10)
Tutor-Dallas Chinese School (10)
Christ United Methodist Church Field Day Volunteering (10)
Plano July 4th parade (9)
Chinese School Volunteering (9, 10)</p>

National Honor Society (10-11-12)
National French Honors Society(10)
Debate Team (10)
French Club (9, 10)
Math Club (9,10)
Multicultural club (9, 11)</p>

<p>So what would be considered a business EC? Seems like none exist…unless I start one.</p>

<p>why was this thread revived?
a business ec…maybe something entrepreneurial, running the family business, working, etc.</p>

<p><a href=“[/url]”>;/a&gt; chance me</p>

<p>guys i just dont know what 2 do… i have studied hours on hours for my act and have only gotten a 27. I have gotten a 30 but with mix and matching scores but they dont look at that. I want to go to Penn so bad its my dream school. I think its so unfair that i wont have any chance just because of my act. I have a decent average, and i thing i have good extra curriculars. I devoted myself entirely almost to community service. I raised over 10,000 for kids in Ukraine and i help with deaf awarness. I learned sign language and tried to help the deaf community. Is there any chance of me getting in regular decision? my guidance counseler convinced me out of applying ed cause she said those spots r reserved for 35 act , legacies, and althlete… is there anyway to show them how much passion i have or the school that can make them consider me over my 27 act ?</p>

<p>ntrading: Your guidance counselor was totally lying to you - or just ignorant. Applying ED is the perfect chance for people with not so superior scores to show that they are truly set on coming to their college; in this case Penn. It is slightly harder for an RD applicant who has lower than average scores because there will be many people in the RD pool with better scores and have the same great ECs as you do. The only way to demonstrate your passions is by writing great essays. I’m pretty sure Penn looks pretty highly on the essays, so it’s a good opportunity for you to take. (Btw I only had a 29 on the ACT which isn’t much higher than your score, but I still got in Wharton. ) Maybe you might have better luck at SATs?</p>