Getting in to Wharton Early Decision

<p>Just wondering if you guys could tell me what my chances are for getting into Wharton Early Decision… I live in the South (Louisiana), and my regional director said that’s an advantage because not as many people apply from here. Also, I go to the #1 school in the state.</p>

Top 10% (20/252 or right around that)… about a 3.6/3.7 unweighted
ACT: 31 (Writing subscore 31) (Math 34, English 33, Science 31, Reading 27)
SAT: Only had to submit ACT but just added SATI which was a 2000 (700 Math, 690 Writing, 590 Verbal ← Ouch, I know)
AP Tests:
5 American History; Plan to take Chemistry, English Literature, Calculus BC, & European History</p>

<p>Schedule for Senior Year:
Honors Novels
AP European History
AP Calculus
AP English IV
AP Chemistry II</p>

<p>I’ve had all A’s except for freshmen year, a B in sophomore year, and a B in European History (no one has an A-- it’s the hardest class at our school!)</p>

Student Government President (was VP & senator all 4 years)
Have had the most succcesful freshmen orientation, raised more money than ever before at the back-to-school dance, created the first student government website, for the first time required service hours for all members, and raised over $1000 for the “Flood the Victims of Katrina with your Coins” fund (I included all this in some supplemental info!)</p>

<p>Pro Bono Publice- Service Club- 4 Years</p>

<p>National Honors Society- 3 Years</p>

<p>I had a C freshmen year because I was really lazy… After my Dad died that year, I shaped up and started to work my butt off. That’s what I wrote my essay about. </p>

<p>Also, some of my writing has been published. My teacher rec’s should be really good.</p>

<p>I placed in the top 5 in the regional rally for Precalculus sophomore year. Also, (I don’t know if this really matters, though!) I’m the 2004 & 2005 Homecoming Court Lord.</p>

<p>I know I’m a stretch, but do I have chance? Thanks in advance everyone!</p>

<p>chances are quite low, especially since your SAT is below the mean for Wharton students, which I would say is AT LEAST 2100 if not 2200. ACT is a bit low also. What are your sat 2's? Your ec's are decent, but not great. Wharton is a pretty big reach for you, especially since your writing and verbal scores are very underpar. I would honestly give you a 5% chance.</p>

<p>i think u have a good shot because you have a story to tell and thats what admissions are looking for... ur different.. u had to overcome obstacles... thats important to them... u have good ec's its just ur test scores are kinda low.. but i think if u have an amazing essay and good recs u have a chance</p>

<p>crapshoot for wharton</p>

<p>I dont think you should judge other people's chances unless you're sure you yourself would get in. Try to give some constructive advice.</p>

<p>OP, you have a decent shop ED. Try to raise those scores.</p>

<p>I don't know whether the SAT is the problem here because I read an article a few years ago about the entire admissions process at Penn (I received it from my regional director, and it wasn’t that article from the Christian Science Monitor), and there were many applicants who got into to Penn with 1200 or 1300 (Old SAT scores) during ED. I don’t think 2000 is a bad score, and you have leadership positions, which Wharton LOVES. </p>

<p>The admissions process is not entirely about scores, and the admissions officers at the College Hall will evaluate you from every angle possible. Also, SAT1+SAT2+GPA+AP= only40% of your entire chances of getting in (Therefore, 60% of you chances depend on other things, which you seem to have plenty). Have a confidence dude! I don't think you are under par, but a strong candidate who should be excited about this entire admissions process.</p>

<p>my policy on admissions chances are just: hope for the best, prepare for the worst, and realize you're just along for the ride and the fate is in the hands of UPenn as soon as u send that app. u never know till it's over. ofcourse better stats mean better chances, but u never know what they'll see in who.</p>

<p>Best of luck''</p>

<p>in response to all of your claims that Wharton will accept someone with a low SAT, i think your absolutley wrong. I agree that they did accept some 1200's and 1300's in the years past, but, that was quite awhile ago. Chances are bad for everyone this year since Upenn's (especially Wharton's) popularity has shot up. Wharton was ranked the number 1 business school in the country and I can bet the adcoms will look for only the best applicants. However, I'm not saying that shrevport doesnt have a good chance (he has everything going for him except for the SAT, including upward grade trend, business EC's etc.), I'm only saying that I think the SAT will be weighed more heavily this year, especially the math-verbal composite,which leaves him at a 1290. Adcoms depend highly upon the transcript (rigor of courses, class rank) and the SAT to determine their decision (as someone posted before, about 40%). I believe that shrevport would have had a better chance applying to the CAS or SEAS and then requesting an internal transfer after 2 terms. But anyways, since he already applied ED, I wish him the best of luck in getting in. Hopefully you sent extra supplements Shrev., like a resume of all your awards and EC's etc. Anyways man, good luck and dont overstress...decisions out in about 2 weeks.</p>

<p>In addition, many MANY of the low SAT scorers were composed of the URMs, recruited athletes, and underrepresented regions (Which the OP might be).</p>

<p>I think that for Wharton, average SAT scores of ED non-URM, non-recruited, non-underrepresented regions will be 2250-2300</p>

<p>That's higher than I expected. I was thinking more of 2100~2200 area. This average thing just messes up my head because one 2400 student and one 2000 student can still average out to 2200.</p>

<p>shrevport, dont worry</p>

<p>i think you're fine
you're not the most competitive of the wharton pool, but ur definitely not the weakest</p>

<p>u have a 31 ACT, which isn't bad
and you go to the #1 school in the STATE??!!
top 10% in the #1 school is good, i'd say</p>

<p>Thanks for the responses, guys. Just a few things I forgot. I got a 720 on math on the SATI not 700-- I got 700 on Math IIC for the SAT II. My ACT is def. better than the SAT, so I sent them that score. So, although my SAT is low, the ACT is in the middle 50% and is substitutable for both the SAT I and SAT II, so are my test scores really that below par in that sense? Also, I started a power washing business this summer that was really succesful. I know I'm a stretch, but I'm just hoping that coming from the South will give me an advantage. Anyone interested in reading my essay? It's kind of personal, but if you give me your email addresse, I'll send it to you.</p>

<p>And what's URM mean? Sorry I'm new to the forum....</p>

<p>under-represented minority</p>

you have leadership positions, which Wharton LOVES.


You know what they LOVE more? more leadership, better grades and a higher SAT!</p>

You know what they LOVE more? more leadership, better grades and a higher SAT!


<p>Like you have everything it takes for Wharton lol. Stop being discouraging.</p>

<p>Please dooit. Take it down a notch.</p>

<p>hey everyone, i'm new in this forum.</p>

<p>i've done an early to wharton, what are my chances of getting it?</p>

<p>sat1 - 650V, 750M, 680W
sat2 - math 1c 750, math 2c 800, french 690</p>

<p>Hmmm... I have very similar stats to yours yaseminn, I've been told to raise my SAT Is, so i guess that goes for you too, but personaly I think you have a good chance..</p>


You know what they LOVE more? more leadership, better grades and a higher SAT!


Like you have everything it takesfor Wharton lol.


well I do have more leadership, better grades and a higher SAT (which they LOVE more) :)</p>