Getting into Penn State U Park

<p>My dream school is Penn State U Park. I have always wanted to attend here. I was just wondering if anyone who attends or a parent of a student who attends can help me out. </p>

<p>These are my stats, am i qualified?</p>

<p>GPA (unweighted): 93.2
SAT: 1590
Two Part: 1020
Member of the National Honor Society
Captain of Football and Wrestling teams
Involved in EC's such as Teen Pep, SADD, Environmental Club
Also involved in Church Service Activities and Local Beach and Lake Cleanups
Solid Rec Letters and Essays</p>

<p>Someone please help, Will I get in?</p>

<p>dude you are in! i know people who have gotten in with lower stats</p>

<p>depends if you’re in-state or not</p>

<p>out of state</p>

<p>Your GPA is good, but your SAT and SAT are very very below average. I think they will admit you into a satellite campus.</p>

<p>Bump the SAT up to a 1800 at least. Then I’d say you’re in.</p>