Getting into uc davis without all prerequisites!

<p>I'm in community college right now and I finally got my life together and are doing great in school. I had some family problems that really messed me up and I'm on the right path. By the time I apply my gpa will be a 3.6 except I'm missing calculus which is a pre req for bio. All the other uc schools have one pre req that I'm missing as well. I really want to go to davis hut any uc will do (xept for SB SC and merced) so do you guys think I have a chance to get in without that pre req?? Stressing out!</p>

<p>Anybody? Please help!</p>

<p>I dont know how lenient the UC system is, but I doubt you can get into a school if you dont meet their requirements.</p>

<p>I heard it’s possible if you have good reason. If they deny your TAG and you appeal. Any experiences?</p>