Getting jobs in CA with a UA degree? (mechanical engineering)

I’m deciding between UC Davis and UA, and was wondering if it will be harder to get a job in CA with a UA degree versus one from UC Davis. (Considering all other factors the same.) Thank you.

While there are some employers who will prefer specific schools, with engineering the focus is more on what grades one received in an accredited program and if one had any professional work experience in terms of internships or co-ops.

Regardless of the the school one attends, the challenge in finding full time employment is getting an interview and then convincing the hiring manager to hire you.

Wow - those are contrasting schools! I graduated from UCD (about 20 years ago) and have a son currently at Bama. Both are fantastic schools - with very different personalities. Obviously for sports, Bama trumps Davis in a big way. I loved the casual, kick-back, veggie, bike-riding culture of Davis (presuming it’s still the same). Bama has much more of a Greek presence and a formal, southern, personality. As @sea_tide said - it depends on what you’re interested in as far as careers. My first “real” job after I left UCD was in Detroit - working for a company that was recruiting across the country. Good luck with your decision. You can’t go wrong either way.

“considering all factors are the same”

wouldn’t be any harder.

Have you visited Bama yet?

@howtosaveuhlife‌ I am from California and I’m currently a freshman at UA. I have cousins who went to UCD for enginnering and I looked at it as well. It was by far my favorite UC! If you have any specific questions regarding programs at both schools feel free to PM me.

Ha! I graduated from UCD 30+ years ago. Agree that these are two VERY different schools. I’m assuming you are considering UA for the scholarships. I always thought UCD was kind of homely. UA can feel folksy too. Depends on what you want out of a university experience. Want a change?, go to UA. What more of the same? go to UCD…

If you are willing to be mobile to find work, and are a dedicated and motivated student, there is no problem with where you graduate from, IMO.

Thank you very much, you have always been so helpful. @mom2collegekids. We are planning our visit now.

Thanks! I PMed you. @springy179

Yes, UA would be a solid 20k cheaper a year. I’m not as concerned with the experience/feel of each college as of now (I am yet to visit UA), just wanted insight into UA degrees in CA.
Anyways, thank you, that is good to hear and helpful. @aeromom

@sea_tide Perfect. I was hoping he focus would be on internships and a degree from an accredited program. Thank you!

@vamomof4 thank you! I visited Davis and it still seems to be like that. :slight_smile: thanks for the input, I appreciate it.

Yes, UA would be a solid 20k cheaper a year.

Wow…you and/or your parents can do a LOT with $80k that you’d save!

@mom2collegekids‌ No kidding. I’d much rather start out my adult life debt free. Can’t wait to finally see the campus and seal the deal. xD

They’re both big, high name state schools. What you do in college (grades, research, connections) will make more of a difference than where you go.