Job location after UA

Can anyone speak to how wide the recruiting net is at Bama? Do most kids end up in jobs down there, or are they recruited from across the country?

Bama grads end up with jobs across the country.

@mom2collegekids – I’m sure they do, but in what proportions?

My Wisconsin son who graduated in December works in California. I think most graduates go either where their family lives or to the state/area where they can find a job. Not sure if our UA students are any different than other students form other universities in that respect.

I see a big difference in the nationwide recruiting that my oldest experienced at Cornell, and the much more local recruiting that seems to happen at UVM where my middle son is. So I guess my question is really, do companies from all over the country recruit at UA, or do those who want to pursue opportunities in places farther from Alabama have to take the initiative to find those opportunities on their own?

I’m sure they do, but in what proportions?



Are you asking about a particular major/degree? The answers will differ whether you’re talking about Business? Eng’g? CS?

Not sure on major/degree that the kid is interested in, but somewhere in the STEM cluster.

Go to the website for Crimson Careers, and see if you can find the lists of employers who attended the recent job fairs - that’ll tell you who recruits at Bama. Yes, there are lots and lots of companies from Bama and neighboring states, but you’ll also find Lockheed Martin, Verizon, and others. The Silicon Valley firms absolutely do NOT recruit at Alabama, but that hasn’t kept at least one recent Alabama engineering grad from ending up there, and I’m sure there are others…

Here’s a link with some stats. I believe that now only students can see the companies registering for the career fairs through their mybama? (UA used to post a full list of them…can’t find it (easily) now for some reason.)

@dodgersmom This Fall Cisco, Google and Intel have all been on campus to interview specific groups of students. So some Silicon Valley representation is at UA.

@mathmomvt My kids (2 at UA) have both interviewed for internships all over the US this Fall. NYC is the big destination, but Chicago, Atlanta, Research Triangle, Wash DC, LA, etc. The scope of offerings has been pretty wide in our experience.

Perfect, thanks @dodgersmom, @aeromom and @swim4school – that’s the kind of thing I was looking for. I don’t think any of my kids have enough initiative to look much beyond the on-campus recruiting.

@swim4school – what year and majors are (were?) your kids in when interviewing for internships? At UVM my son found that internship partners are not interested in engineering students below Junior year, which on the one hand is reasonable given the engineering curriculum, but does limit the range of opportunities they can experience before graduating. (My CS kid had opportunities right from freshman year, but at a more global school, and in a field where you can be useful earlier on in your schooling).

Thank you, @swim4school - I stand corrected.

My student is already committed for next summer, so he didn’t participate in the career fairs this year, for which I am oh so grateful . . . but it also means I never bothered looking to see who was on campus this year. Glad to hear that Google finally made it to Tuscaloosa!!!

@dodgersmom No need to be corrected. It was limited interviews and I have yet to hear of anyone getting hired!
@mathmomvt Student 1: MIS/Finance double major, Computer Science minor Student 2: PR/Economics/ double major, Computer Science minor. Both have received numerous opportunities for internships through UA.

@mathmomvt, a lot of engineers go the co-op route. My son snagged one at the end of his freshman year with a national company that has a plant in AL. I do think it’s harder to find internships that early in your college career if you don’t already have experience or connections.

It goes without saying, and has been discussed in many other threads about internships (and co-ops), but from the very start if you want to enhance your chances: have a stellar GPA, get involved in relevant stuff on campus, polish your resume, work to develop relationships which will lead to effective letters of rec, and network, etc.

A dad who used to post here has told me that his senior son has offers from Google, Microsoft, Uber, Amazon and a few other lesser-known.

My eng DD has interned in a western state, and most recently for a global corporation. Not sure where she wants to live/work, but most recent company is a very good possibility.


Microsoft recruits at University of Alabama.

I reached out to Melinda J. King, the new executive director for the career center, and the website has now been updated so that the lists of this year’s career fair participants are readily available:

^ just so you know, Boeing is listed under “T” for “The Boeing Company” :smiley: