To my delight, I was recently accepted to Gettysburg College. I visited back in the fall, and I remember really liking it. I know I would get a good education by attending G’burg. The problem for me is the social aspect of the college. After joining the Facebook page, I’ve started to feel really out of place compared to all the other prospective students. Coming from a small, noncompetitive high school, I feel way under prepared. All the posts that I read are from amazingly athletic, intelligent, beautiful people. I’m just a mediocre girl. Don’t get me wrong - this has nothing to do with my self-confidence. I just want a college where I will fit in.
I have a few questions for you all that I would greatly appreciate some answers to!
Sorry I accidentally hit a button and posted this before actually asking any questions! Anyway, what are the students at G’burg like? Are they preppy/rich like I expected? Are they all super talented? Are there any students who don’t take life so seriously? Will I be excluded because of my differences? Thanks everyone 
My son was accepted there and we visited twice, once recently to see the school and once several years ago on a day trip to Gettsyburg.
It is among the easier schools to describe, B+ and higher students that study hard, play hard and party hard. Much like Bucknell.
The campus is lovely and the town quaint. We felt the student body was friendly and outgoing.
It has all the components of that stereotypical college experience in a friendly package.
I would agree and say that there is a visible population of the fit and handsome there but not in a negative sense and nothing like Bucknell.
We really liked the classic vibe, as you put it. Many schools are trying to dilute that feeling but Gettysburg still has it.
Excellent food BTW.
My daughter is about to graduate from G’Burg, and my son was just accepted. Yes, there are a lot of rich/preppy kids, but there are also a lot of kids there from middle and lower economic backgrounds. Gettysburg has generous financial aid and uses it to diversify the student body-- economically, anyway. I believe they are trying to improve their racial diversity as well. You don’t need to take life seriously, but you should take your studies seriously. The courses are rigorous and there are wonderful opportunities for students who put forth a good effort.
As someone pretty active on the FB page, trust me, it’s nothing to worry about! I was a little intimidated by the others too (everyone seems so pretty omg and that made me REALLY self conscious). I’ve talked to a lot of them now and I very much get the impression that we’re all sort of work hard play hard. I play a sport but it’s just for fun, and I also come from a relatively noncompetitive HS. I feel like you described me haha! I also had a great feel on campus back in November. If you want to talk more I can give you my FB if you private message me
B+/A- students, competitive, often upper middle class and white (but diversity’s growing), more conservative than most colleges, Greek-heavy (lots of drinking, social life dominated by the Greeks), excellent academics.
Gettysburg is largely white, upper middle to upper class, very preppy, VERY Greek, conservative, competitive classmates, great academics, interesting professors, unusual location, with a fairly strong alumni network especially in the northeast. Best of luck to you!
Thank you, everyone! I actually have committed to another college, one that is smaller, less-competitive, and more diverse. I don’t have any regrets, because I know that I fit in better there despite it having an inferior reputation.
Can you say which one, and why, as it’d surely be useful to future seniors in your position.
Sure. I am attending Juniata College next year.
Congratulations! It’s a good LAC, very strong in the sciences. The area isn’t the most fun, but the school itself offers many opportunities to its students (have you read the blogpost “how my daughter made the most out of college”? If not, start reading :p). If it’s more diverse and the price is right, all the better! Join a Living Learning Community, get involved on campus, seek out mentors…; )
Thanks! Yes, I know firsthand how little Huntingdon has to offer, but I’m okay with it! We are a very tight-knit community, and I already have a lot of connections from taking classes at JC.