Giggity Giggity Goooo--chance me!

<p>I hope the title was attractive, haha
[[just finished sophomore yr]]</p>

<p>WGPA: 3.78/3.8 ish [i kno really low, i think i messed up big time]</p>

<p>SAT [predicted]: Math-700
Critical Reading-650

<p>this predicted SAT score should be my worst case scenario, but you never know.</p>


<p>Youth Council - in my 2nd year, i am newly elected vice president, hope to be president during senior year. we do LOTS of community service/projects</p>

<p>MUN - have been doing it since freshman yr, plan to do it through all 4 yr's of hs. I am also newly elected vp of this club</p>

<p>Asian club - have been doin this since freshma yr. during this past yr [10th] i was a main character in a big asian show we heald. [i love acting, but havnt pursued it]</p>

<p>NHS - def will get in, i have the GPA and other things...</p>

<p>medical club - have not done this yet as i switched schools after freshman yr, but will do it jr and sr year.</p>

<p>i volunteer at a hospital nearby</p>

<p>also i plan on being an EMT during senior yr, i am already certified for CPR but I dont have time for EMT classes as of yet.</p>

<p>Tae-kwon-do for 6+ years, now i have stopped. i have 2 trophies.</p>


<p>freshman yr [old hs] :
all honors classes [only freshman in pre-calc honors], bio honors, pre-calc, us history honors, honors english...</p>

<p>sophomore yr [screwed schedule when i switched schools]:
all honors again, except i took AP calc AB [got a 5 on exam], honors college physics [not AP], us history [same name, diff class] honors, english honors...</p>

<p>junior yr [predicted]:
AP stat, honors global studies [we have to take all these classes before we can just take AP histories...], honors english...strict english dept. so just missed gettin into AP. AP chem i am studying for my self. I am taking a human anatomy science class, which is ggreat since im going med. I was wondering what you guys think about taking the AP physics B test on my own? </p>

<p>Senior yr [predicted]:
Not sure but prob SAMCLA [scientific aplications of multi-variable calculus and linear algebra] :P, this is AP weighted - killer class...AP bio, hopefully AP physics C, prob AP euro and if i have room, AP US..</p>

<p><strong>there are missing details and classes but i dont kno/remember right now</strong></p>

<p>AP exams:</p>

<p>so far only took AP calc AB a 5 [as i mentioned]</p>

<p>i used to really want to go to HMS, and although i will always hope and still apply, i need to be realistc. i actually would love sugestions for med schools/pre-med, programs, anything med for college.</p>

<p>i am looking into JHU [i really really want this, again, reaaach], duke, cornell, brown, columbia, UPenn, UCLA, dartmouth, northwestern, washington U in St. Louis...</p>

<p>now that those dream schools are out of the way, how about UCSF, Baylor college of med, U of Mich. - Ann Harbor, UCSD, U of chicago, U of pittsburgh, although i prefer the first list [lol] </p>

<p>suggestions are greatly appreciated.</p>


<p>... umm UCSF is a graduate school haha but try harder on your sat's and your "dream schools out of the way" list will be matchish.</p>

<p>"try harder on your sat's and your "dream schools out of the way" list will be matchish."</p>

<li>definitely won't become matches but you'll have a better shot.</li>

<p>I think you've still got a shot at JHU. U Pitts., UCSD, U Mich, UCLA should be in your match/high match column. Bring your SATs up to 2200+, SAT IIs into the 750 range, get some more leadership positions in clubs, and try to get one of those nifty certificates the AP program at Collegeboard sends you (one of the better ones mind you) so your APs can be worth SOMETHING.</p>

<p>That would be pretty amazing if UCSF graduate school accepted you.</p>

<p>lmao oops [UCSF] haha my bad.</p>

<p>well thanks, actually yea my SAT was predicted, but i will really try harder for them. Im actually happier with these responses than what i got before, someone said i dont have a chance at any of these schools, at</p>

<p>thanks a lot though, anyone else?</p>

<p>your not even in your junior year and thinking about this already? xD wish i was you :P</p>