<p>I hope the title was attractive, haha
[[just finished sophomore yr]]</p>
<p>WGPA: 3.78/3.8 ish [i kno really low, i think i messed up big time]</p>
<p>SAT [predicted]: Math-700
Critical Reading-650
<p>this predicted SAT score should be my worst case scenario, but you never know.</p>
<p>Youth Council - in my 2nd year, i am newly elected vice president, hope to be president during senior year. we do LOTS of community service/projects</p>
<p>MUN - have been doing it since freshman yr, plan to do it through all 4 yr's of hs. I am also newly elected vp of this club</p>
<p>Asian club - have been doin this since freshma yr. during this past yr [10th] i was a main character in a big asian show we heald. [i love acting, but havnt pursued it]</p>
<p>NHS - def will get in, i have the GPA and other things...</p>
<p>medical club - have not done this yet as i switched schools after freshman yr, but will do it jr and sr year.</p>
<p>i volunteer at a hospital nearby</p>
<p>also i plan on being an EMT during senior yr, i am already certified for CPR but I dont have time for EMT classes as of yet.</p>
<p>Tae-kwon-do for 6+ years, now i have stopped. i have 2 trophies.</p>
<p>freshman yr [old hs] :
all honors classes [only freshman in pre-calc honors], bio honors, pre-calc, us history honors, honors english...</p>
<p>sophomore yr [screwed schedule when i switched schools]:
all honors again, except i took AP calc AB [got a 5 on exam], honors college physics [not AP], us history [same name, diff class] honors, english honors...</p>
<p>junior yr [predicted]:
AP stat, honors global studies [we have to take all these classes before we can just take AP histories...], honors english...strict english dept. so just missed gettin into AP. AP chem i am studying for my self. I am taking a human anatomy science class, which is ggreat since im going med. I was wondering what you guys think about taking the AP physics B test on my own? </p>
<p>Senior yr [predicted]:
Not sure but prob SAMCLA [scientific aplications of multi-variable calculus and linear algebra] :P, this is AP weighted - killer class...AP bio, hopefully AP physics C, prob AP euro and if i have room, AP US..</p>
<p><strong>there are missing details and classes but i dont kno/remember right now</strong></p>
<p>AP exams:</p>
<p>so far only took AP calc AB exam...got a 5 [as i mentioned]</p>
<p>i used to really want to go to HMS, and although i will always hope and still apply, i need to be realistc. i actually would love sugestions for med schools/pre-med, programs, anything med for college.</p>
<p>i am looking into JHU [i really really want this, again, reaaach], duke, cornell, brown, columbia, UPenn, UCLA, dartmouth, northwestern, washington U in St. Louis...</p>
<p>now that those dream schools are out of the way, how about UCSF, Baylor college of med, U of Mich. - Ann Harbor, UCSD, U of chicago, U of pittsburgh, although i prefer the first list [lol] </p>
<p>suggestions are greatly appreciated.</p>