girls are bad with computers

<p>psh, like you would know</p>

<p>your mom is weak, leah</p>

<p>your face is weak, leah</p>

<p>your mom's face is weak, leah</p>

<p>That was like..a proof. I love CC people lol</p>

<p>i have no idea why i am the only girl in ap cs2/tech club (fixing computers)/programming team/1 of 3 in ap cs1 last year.... hmmm....
when I ask friends, they are like: eww...super nerdy....</p>

<p>To be less nerdy... make up a tech cheer!</p>

<p>terrific idea</p>

<p>My only one :D</p>

<p>ooooh!! the RPI cheer: it makes me so happy I almost want to go there:</p>

<p>e to the x, dy/dx, e to the x dx
cosine, secant, tangent, sine,
three point one four one five nine
square root, cube root, log of pi,
dis-integrate them RPI.</p>

<p>no .</p>

<p>...what do you mean, "no"?</p>

<p>by "no" i meant "yes that cheer was excellent i am lusting for more"</p>

<p>no .</p>

<p>Don't worry... he lusts after a lot of things.</p>

<p>extrapolating beyond your authority is dangerous, lb</p>

<p>I believe I am authorized to extrapolate as far as I desire.</p>

<p>a paradox! gotta write that one down</p>

<p>You disappoint me.</p>

<p>heh. i'm one of those girls who takes comp sci. there are 2 other girls in our class & i think there's just this connotation that comp sci is for guys when it def isn't. i wish i could think of a cheer for it, but umm no.</p>

<p>I took Computer Science along with another girl (not AP, IB) and there are three guys as well. We're a small class... I know that in the grade below there are more girls in the Comp Sci class... I think it's getting better.</p>

<p>They're brought up not to like em' as much. it's just the way it is.</p>

<p>yes. that is the problem. It is a real shame and something that needs to be fixed. I blame the media (in all seriousness). I won't rant here, because I would never shut up... but, yes</p>