<p>Can anyone tell me a little about UMN--more specifically, I would like to know about the social scene, academic reputation, location, and housing. Okay so maybe I want to know everything. HELP, I am strongly considering transferring here!</p>
<p>there is no social scene. it is cold in winter. the location is along the river. many people commute or live off campus.</p>
<p>there's no social scene? really? can anyone validate that claim?</p>
<p>I completely don't agree with Guest0101. I'm a PSEO student there (aka I basically spend my entire life there every single day) Instead of just disputing what he said, I'll try to give you a little overview of all the factors you asked about. </p>
<p>Social scene-I have no idea what Guest meant by "no social scene" You should have seen the Halloween parties yesterday. Not only was the entire Greek row buzzing, I've seen a dozen of bar/club party invites, PLUS some more "safe" parties in Coffman Union. Although, I don't live on campus, I do have a lot of friends who do, and they tell me there are a ton of parties going on every weekend! And if you don't like the typical college parties, we're right near MSP and St. Paul, and ALL big cities have awesome parties.</p>
<p>Academic Reputation-If you've taken one of tours (which since you're a possible transfer you might not have) everyone will tell you how U of M is trying to become one of the top research universities in the world. Apparently they're set to accomplish this by 2010. I"ve also heard that U of M also has a ton of undergrad research possibilities in all majors. And just as a side note, some friends and I were just talking yesterday about how U of M supposedly has the best chem. engineering program of any public university. </p>
<p>Location-This is amazing, I won't lie. It's an incredible feeling to walk across the bridge from Coffman (the student union) to the mall (this giant grassy area where people hang out) and see the Minneapolis skyline. You feel like you're in a college town, but the second you get sick of that feeling literally take a 5 minute bus and you're in downtown Minneapolis, which like I said before has all the perks of a big city. Actually if you're not too lazy, if you take a....maybe 20 minute bus ride, you're in St. Paul (the other Twin City) and once again, a whole brand new metropolitan area. </p>
<p>Housing-So, ok the dorms are kind of crappy. The biggest party dorms are supposedly in the superblock (There's 4 dorms that are positioned together in a square, 2 are freshman only, 2 are regular) There are on-campus apartments (not the U provided ones) that are basically half a mile from the very heart of campus. I don't know the prices, but I'm assuming they're expensive. And there's always the apartments in Minneapolis and St. Paul too. </p>
<p>Tell me if you have any other questions.</p>
<p>So super sweet, over all most of your friends like learning and living at the U of M?</p>
<p>sugar sweet is exactly right…perfect answer…
most people i know LOVE the U. the only ones who don’t are kids who were kind of forced to go to the U because they couldnt get enough financial aid from other colleges. but most people love the classes, people, even the dorms (if you can get one. housing is getting tight as more students come in).
I actually had a good friend of mine get a full ride to Colgate University, but she went for a year, then transferred to the U of M because she loves the U so much more…if that answers your question at all… =]</p>