<p>Please chance me for:
UMass Amherst
Ohio State
<p>Desired Major- Linguistics (and a double major or minor in either History, Korean, or another language)</p>
<p>-Korean-American Male
-Junior (Class of '08/'12)
-@ a public high school that sends some grads to top schools
-@ Valley Stream (Long Island), New York
-will apply for financial aid</p>
<p>GPA - 95.618(U)/96.618(W) for Freshman and Sophmore year
Rank - 2/3xx as of Sophmore year (unofficial, but a little, reliable birdy told me)</p>
<p>SAT I - 1410/2090 (CR650 M760 W680)
- (10/06) 1310/1990 (CR600 M710 W680)
- (01/07) 1410/2060 (CR650 M760 W650)
- will take it a 3rd and last time
SAT II - Not yet (05/07)
ACT - Should I?
AP - Euro 4
- will take Chem, AHAP, Stat, Eng, Lit, Span, CalcBC, Bio, Gov, Eco
Regents(NY) - GlobalHist 96
- LivingEnv 87
- MathA 90
- MathB 95
- Chem 100
- EarthSci 97
- will take English, US, Spanish, and Sign Language Regents
- SpanishProf 98
- AmSignProf 91 (I think)</p>
<p>Courseload was the most difficult possible. All of them were APs or accelerated besides my electives and langauges (only accelerated if one is a native speaker).
MathCrs1Acc 94
LingEnv8Acc 89
Spanish1B 98
English1A 91
GlobalHist1A 92
MathCrs2Acc 94
EarthSciA 96
Spanish2 99
AmSign1 93
Band9 100(.5crdt)
PhysEd9 PASS (P/F, not averaged)
English2A 92
APEuroHist 95
MathCrs3Acc 99
ChemR 100
Spanish3 98
AmSign2 98
Band 100
Health 95(.5crdt)
PhysEd10 PASS (P/F, not averaged)
_Junior: 1st semester (not yet averaged)
APAmHist 99
MathCrs4Acc 100
Japanese1 100
Spanish4 100
Band 100
APStatistics 99
APChem 97
APEnglishLang 96
PhysEd11 PASS (P/F, not averaged)
_Senior: projected
AP Bio
AP Calc BC
AP PG Eco (Gov/Econ)
AP Eng Lit
AP Span Lang
American Sign Langauge 3/4
Japanese 2
PhysEd12 (P/F, not averaged)</p>
<p>Hopefully Cornell University Summer College (6 weeks) or JHU Pre-college (5 weeks) this summer. Either way, it'll be 6 college credits.</p>
<p>National Junior Honor Society (9electedcandle-lighter)
Badminton Club (9)
Newspaper Club (9)
Crier Newspaper (10,11,<em>12layouteditor)
Concert Band, 2nd seat tuba (9,10,11,</em>12)
Marching Band, sousaphone (10,11,<em>12)
Mathletes (9,10,11defactosecretary,</em>12president)
Quiz Bowl (10,<em>12?)
Art Club (11)
Class of 08 (10,11,</em>12)
Science Honor Society (10,11,<em>12position)
National Honor Society (11,</em>12)
Mu Alpha Theta (11,<em>12)
Tri-M Music Honor Society (11,</em>12)
<em>Language Honor Society (Spanish, Sign Language, Japanese) (11,12)
Homework Club (tutor) (11,</em>12)</p>
<p>200+ hr. of volunteering at local hospital (summers and falls of '05, '06)
~50 hr. of Sign Language shows for Christmas, Lights On, Lanaguage Week (9,10,*12)
*50+ hr. for tutor and honor societies' community service
negligible (2) hours for friend's mom</p>
<p>District Concert Band (by audition), 2nd seat tuba (11)
High Honor Roll (1x/MP,9,10,11,<em>12)
Principal's Award (9)
Selected for AMC, but results are yet unknown (11,</em>12)
All American Scholar (11)
Mathletes High Scorer (9shared,10,11secondhighestscorer)
Elmer Heinecke Award (9)
NHS Certificate of Induction (11)
...and a plethora of other menial in-school awards</p>
<p>Recs are sure to be stellar
Essays will emphasize my passion for langauges, and thus my personality</p>
<p>Thank you all for your time. :)</p>