Give this cookie-cutter asian a chance!

<p>Please chance me for:
UMass Amherst
Ohio State

<p>Desired Major- Linguistics (and a double major or minor in either History, Korean, or another language)</p>

<p>-Korean-American Male
-Junior (Class of '08/'12)
-@ a public high school that sends some grads to top schools
-@ Valley Stream (Long Island), New York
-will apply for financial aid</p>

<p>GPA - 95.618(U)/96.618(W) for Freshman and Sophmore year
Rank - 2/3xx as of Sophmore year (unofficial, but a little, reliable birdy told me)</p>

<p>SAT I - 1410/2090 (CR650 M760 W680)
- (10/06) 1310/1990 (CR600 M710 W680)
- (01/07) 1410/2060 (CR650 M760 W650)
- will take it a 3rd and last time
SAT II - Not yet (05/07)
ACT - Should I?
AP - Euro 4
- will take Chem, AHAP, Stat, Eng, Lit, Span, CalcBC, Bio, Gov, Eco
Regents(NY) - GlobalHist 96
- LivingEnv 87
- MathA 90
- MathB 95
- Chem 100
- EarthSci 97
- will take English, US, Spanish, and Sign Language Regents
- SpanishProf 98
- AmSignProf 91 (I think)</p>

<p>Courseload was the most difficult possible. All of them were APs or accelerated besides my electives and langauges (only accelerated if one is a native speaker).
MathCrs1Acc 94
LingEnv8Acc 89
Spanish1B 98
English1A 91
GlobalHist1A 92
MathCrs2Acc 94
EarthSciA 96
Spanish2 99
AmSign1 93
Band9 100(.5crdt)
PhysEd9 PASS (P/F, not averaged)
English2A 92
APEuroHist 95
MathCrs3Acc 99
ChemR 100
Spanish3 98
AmSign2 98
Band 100
Health 95(.5crdt)
PhysEd10 PASS (P/F, not averaged)
_Junior: 1st semester (not yet averaged)
APAmHist 99
MathCrs4Acc 100
Japanese1 100
Spanish4 100
Band 100
APStatistics 99
APChem 97
APEnglishLang 96
PhysEd11 PASS (P/F, not averaged)
_Senior: projected
AP Bio
AP Calc BC
AP PG Eco (Gov/Econ)
AP Eng Lit
AP Span Lang
American Sign Langauge 3/4
Japanese 2
PhysEd12 (P/F, not averaged)</p>

<p>Hopefully Cornell University Summer College (6 weeks) or JHU Pre-college (5 weeks) this summer. Either way, it'll be 6 college credits.</p>

<p>National Junior Honor Society (9electedcandle-lighter)
Badminton Club (9)
Newspaper Club (9)
Crier Newspaper (10,11,<em>12layouteditor)
Concert Band, 2nd seat tuba (9,10,11,</em>12)
Marching Band, sousaphone (10,11,<em>12)
Mathletes (9,10,11defactosecretary,</em>12president)
Quiz Bowl (10,<em>12?)
Art Club (11)
Class of 08 (10,11,</em>12)
Science Honor Society (10,11,<em>12position)
National Honor Society (11,</em>12)
Mu Alpha Theta (11,<em>12)
Tri-M Music Honor Society (11,</em>12)
<em>Language Honor Society (Spanish, Sign Language, Japanese) (11,12)
Homework Club (tutor) (11,</em>12)</p>

<p>200+ hr. of volunteering at local hospital (summers and falls of '05, '06)
~50 hr. of Sign Language shows for Christmas, Lights On, Lanaguage Week (9,10,*12)
*50+ hr. for tutor and honor societies' community service
negligible (2) hours for friend's mom</p>

<p>District Concert Band (by audition), 2nd seat tuba (11)
High Honor Roll (1x/MP,9,10,11,<em>12)
Principal's Award (9)
Selected for AMC, but results are yet unknown (11,</em>12)
All American Scholar (11)
Mathletes High Scorer (9shared,10,11secondhighestscorer)
Elmer Heinecke Award (9)
NHS Certificate of Induction (11)
...and a plethora of other menial in-school awards</p>

<p>Recs are sure to be stellar
Essays will emphasize my passion for langauges, and thus my personality</p>

<p>Thank you all for your time. :)</p>

<p>Just curious, why do you want to go to MIT if you're wanting to go into a humanities-focused career.</p>

<p>you will really stand out if you apply to MIT with a linguistic major. you look awesome are you retaking the SAT maybe you can get your CR up like 30 points but your math is perfect for MIT (they say that even if you have 700 they feel you can do the work) try going to the admissions officers answer your questions</p>

<p>Check the common data set to see how many have a 700 math at MIT. Why do people post these things?</p>

<p>I think you have a really great shot at all those schools, even though your SAT is a little low for them. However, I don't think there's that much space on the apps to put all that you have there (ECs and awards). I know the Stanford one doesn't. Also, are you interested in MIT because of their ling program?</p>

<p>In any event, linguistics FTW! :D</p>

<p>(In addition, words like "layout editor" have a space in them.)</p>

<p>how are you cookie-cutter? don't sell yourself short</p>

<p>^^ I agree. You aren't very cookie-cutter.</p>

<p>yes, check common app or stats profile of mid 50%, they will give you more accurate predictions than we will gl!</p>

<p>i know that most people at mit get 750s on math but check out this quote from an admissions officer "ben jones" </p>

<p>"A "7" at the beginning of any score makes us plenty confident assuming the rest of the app is solid. Even scores with a "6" at the beginning can be fine in many cases. " </p>

<p>i'll im saying is that you shouldn't rule out a school just because you have a 720 on the SATs</p>

<p>by the way darkhope has a point we can't give you the best predictions but don't rule out MIT especially since there won't be many linguistic majors</p>

<p> asian applying to MIT for LINGUISTICS...not most certainly are not cookie cutter</p>

<p>I just want to point out that when you apply for freshman admission to MIT, you don't apply for a certain major: you apply for admission to the college as a whole. Putting down an area of study, that few Asians supposedly major in, doesn't make an applicant standout. Admission officers have too much experience knowing that the vast majority of students CHANGE majors during their undergrad years. It's the passionate extracurricular activities/major honors that make an applicant standout.</p>

<p>Thank you everyone for their replies. It definately takes the weight off my shoulders. But can anyone give me some insight on my chances to any of the other schools?</p>

<p>Physics08, is there anything I can do to make me seem more passionate about my desired major? I mean, I've been in the district band, I've been on the math team, and I've also been in the school paper. I feel that I'm too all-over the place.</p>

<p>Oh, and one other thing -- will the school see my upward trend? I've went from scoring a B+ in 8th grade to scoring mostly 100s in my Junior year. I know my GPA isn't low and that I don't really need an excuse like an upward trend to show it, but I want to show them my ability to adjust and succeed.</p>

<p>And my parents were both immigrats and myself, my brothers, and all my cousins are first generation Americans. Thus, my parents have a very low income. Financial Aid is important -- which schools are good about it?</p>

<p>Sorry, I don't think your current scores are good enough for MIT or Stanford. You need writing credentials for Chicago, and I don't see them. From our school, kids don't get into Brown or G-town with your scores either, but your situation may be different. Finally, why apply to U-Mass? It's not a good fit for a serious student.</p>

<p>greennblue, do you think I should try to take the ACTs? I honestly don't think I could do any better on the SATs.</p>

<p>^ agrred w/ above but, it should be noted that schools who are academically disadvantaged usualyl gets a boost in terms of sat scores because being disadvantaged is somehow a boost in college admissions gl!</p>

<p>I would try the SATs again or ACT. I think as a Korean from NY, you'll need higher scores for ivy like schools. Start going more in depth with a few ECs.</p>

<p>bobby, how much ufurther can I go with my ECs? I'm already a Junior -- I think the lest I could do is try to get some leadership postions in some of the clubs I dedicate myself most to. Is this what you mean?</p>