Give this Kiwi another chance!

<p>No, not the fruit! Kiwi = New Zealander = me
Anyways, you know what to do!</p>

<p>About me:</p>

<p>School Stats
Year: HS class of '08
School: decent suburban public high school (Tucson, AZ)
UW GPA: 4.0
W GPA (honors 4.5, APs 5.0): 4.5 (so far)
Rank: (currently) 1/~550</p>

All the honors and AP classes that I could have possibly taken.
By graduation, will have:
4 years English (all honors & AP)
4 years math (all honors, up to AP calculus)
4 years social science (including AP US history, AP government, AP econ)
3 years science (chemistry, AP biology, AP environmental)
3 years foreign language
+ a whole bunch of electives, etc...</p>

SAT: 2220 (M: 770; CR: 760; W: 690) - don't want to retake
ACT: haven't taken
SAT Subjects: Biology M.: 790; Math L1: 770; US History: 750; Literature: 720
PSAT: 208 (probably Commended)
APs: Biology: 5; US History: 5; Environmental Sci.: 5; Computer Sci. A.: 4</p>

<p>Activities (yeah, this sucks, I know...)
1 year varsity swimming (in NZ)
1 year j. varsity tennis
2 years varsity tennis
2 years NHS (president)
2 years academic decathlon (treasurer then vice president)
2 years peer tutoring
~100 volunteer hours
numerous memberships, and offices in "laundry list" clubs</p>

<p>Other notes
Asian male
Spent significant portion of education in New Zealand, including HS freshman year (this is why I don't have any "long-term" participation in any organizations here). Friends still claim I have an accent, lol! During the move, it seems like I've moved up a grade - about a year younger than all my classmates.
I can depend on getting good recs and I'll be able to put together a pretty good essay.
Relatively low-income family - will need financial aid.</p>

<p>What are my chances at these schools?</p>

<p>In Question (I would really appreciate percentage "chances"):
Cornell (and other Ivies?)
NYU (Stern)

<p>Safeties (in-state schools):
U. of Arizona
Arizona State</p>

<p>Since I know that I can get into my safeties with a bunch of financial aid, I'm planning to apply to schools that are probably a bit beyond my level. I'd appreciate it if you could give me pointers if I'm aiming too high, and suggestions for more reasonable choices. Also, where would it be most advantageous to apply ED/EA among my choices? I would really like to maximize my chances as much as possible.</p>

<p>Thanks a bunch!</p>

<p>Is a Kiwi a native New Zealender because if that's the case you're guarenteed basically anywhere.</p>

<p>Nevertheless, you're stats are amazing. I'd say yes to safeties, NYU, Emory, NW, most ivies (like Cornell). Basically, you can get in anywhere</p>

<p>what? he's Asian...</p>

<p>Yeah, I'm Asian (sobs) but I've received a significant amount of my education in New Zealand - through their schools (rather different, I must say). I hold New Zealand citizenship, and I'm a permanent resident of the US, so I won't have to apply as an international. Hope this clarifies things.</p>

<p>ooo im asian new zealander too.</p>

<p>and i roughly have same stats as you. You're in at all of the unis you put up. but the other ivies.....will be a reach. if u wanna get in those u need to boost ur SAT, and your ECs are mediocre.</p>

<p>That's really neat Elvito, where from NZ are you from?</p>

<p>Anyhow, bump...</p>

<p>Auckland. Auckland Grammar School. :D</p>

<p>i think you have a good chance @ emory</p>

<p>Cool, I went to Burnside (Christchurch). Yeah - my school was less cool than yours... lol.</p>